Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Amnesia recorded.

Caught up to the part I was at in that one session that had recording issues. It will be going up tomorrow along with the last 4 KF videos I have. I'm gonna try to get halfway through Amnesia in my next session, but no promises. I likely won't have time to record Friday, but I should have time Saturday to so a bit, and on Halloween as well. I likely won't get through the game with this but I should be around 70-80% complete by then. I think I'm about 35% through the game right now, since after this I only have the storage room, the prison, the sewers, and the new main room with Agrippa to go before I'm on the final stretch. Once this game is done all other projects should resume as they normally would, likely starting back up with Minecraft and Deus Ex since they've had the longest hiatus.

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