Thursday, May 17, 2012

FF5 completely finished (all footage recorded)

So yea as the picture clearly shows I've got probably 7 and a half hours of FF5 recorded, with 5 episodes rendered and ready to upload as of right now. As I said before I will probably upload these videos with other videos to make them last longer, and I'll probably only upload one set a week for now unless I get enough Terraria, Minecraft, Killing Floor, and Skyrim footage to cover the entire hiatus, in which case I'll probably upload 2 vids a day until it's done (which would probably be just before the hiatus).

I've gotta get most of this stuff rendered out Friday since I'll be travelling to visit family this weekend and won't be able to render on the weekend. That way I should still have plenty of hard drive space for Terraria, Minecraft, Killing Floor, and Skyrim. In particular I think I can knock out Terraria next if I spend about 10 more hours prepping for the last 2 bosses. Skyrim is still a ways off but a couple solid weeks and I can probably finish the game as far as the main quest goes. Killing Floor and Minecraft are really just in there to break up the other projects at this point so that it's not always just one project in the spotlight as far as my channel goes, even if I may be focusing on one particular project each week.

Anyways next week I'd start looking forward to possibly more Killing Floor or Terraria, depending on what I manage to record. Terraria is the one series I have left now that doesn't take over 10 minutes to render each video, like my other projects. So yea I can pump out a lot of Terraria videos in a relatively short amount of time compared to Skyrim and Killing Floor, where it can sometimes take over 3 hours just to get 7-10 videos rendered.

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