Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nothing got done this/last week

I actually ended up getting sick with the flu almost immediately after Monday's recording session, when the symptoms first showed up with me being unusually tired after recording. So my Tuesday and majority of Wednesday was spent in bed, which meant I had to skip classes on Tuesday, though I forced myself to wake up early for the Wednesday one since it's a statistics class and I'd probably be screwed if I missed a class there. Also my family was over for the weekend (they're leaving sometime tomorrow), so I couldn't record anything new. I'm still sitting on a handful of Chrono Trigger parts that need to be rendered from the Monday session, and those will go up Tuesday, which is basically becoming my usual upload day along with Thursdays.

I'm gonna record a channel update video of sorts to explain why some projects may or may not be getting shoved aside for now, while also asking my subs why they subscribed/what content that I have that made them subscribe. I'm not gonna just screw over the 7 subs that I have by neglecting the stuff most of them watch so if they want Minecraft or Deus Ex I'm more than happy to play those games once a week to have content for them to watch and enjoy. The main thing is I won't be able to play 6 games and record for 6 games every week. I'm actually gonna have to cut my games per week down to 3 for the next few months due to essays, homework, exams, and other crappy stuff that comes with the last quarter of the semester. It doesn't help that I'm way behind in some homework because I've been trying too hard to get stuff on my channel. I'll pretty much go over everything in the video, the only game I'm gonna confirm for sure that will be recorded once a week is Chrono Trigger, the rest is pretty much up to my subs.

I will probably make an exception for Killing Floor because there's just some times where I feel like shooting shit and for those times I've just gotta get that out of my system or I'll just be completely unable to focus on anything until I do it so for some weeks I may throw in some bonus Killing Floor footage. The main thing is I have to get my priorities straight and make sure to get the school related shit done so that I dont' get fucked over in the long run, because I don't want to be flipping burgers all summer. Keep in mind if it ends up my subs want to see Killing Floor, then this works out better for me because then I only need a couple matches a week anyways.

Now I may as well do this here cause I'm not sure if I'm gonna cover it in the video, but right now the projects I'm having the least fun with are FF4 and Amnesia. Even though I think Amnesia is probably one of my best series as far as commentary goes, the game has kind of shifted from being somewhat scary, to just pissing me off. Part of it has to do with the one set of videos that didnt' get recorded, where I actually got scared enough to the point where I had to convince myself that it was just a game, and then I lost that footage which completely destroyed that entire moment and I've been pissed about that ever since. I could try to recreate it but honestly it just wouldn't have that effect on me, even if it did work on the viewers. Also the prison part pissed me off greatly because it was scary at first, but it also showed me how little consequences there are for dying in the game which kind of made me less cautious and play more like a jackass for the entire prison part (which is why I died like 3 times or so). It's a scary game, until you realize that dying really isn't that bad. This kind of kills the experience for me since really of the 3 times I died I started right back in pretty much the same spot, if not in the general area within less than 30 second of my death location, with all the items I had collected previously. Basically there's almost no death penalty so I no longer have to face the monsters in the area I was just in since I've got the stuff already so I could literally just run into a room, grab everything, and die and be out of there without dealing with monsters. For me this just completely breaks the feel of the game and it kind of pisses me off.

FF4 is pissing me off for a completely different reason, and that's because it's honestly just a terrible game compared to other classic Final Fantasies. It's just far too difficult for no reason the second they introduce the entire demon wall boss. After that boss, the game just becomes almost unplayable because of the difficulty. Without save states, I'm surprised I had the patience to put up with all this bullshit to make it to the final dungeon. Granted that was 3-4 years ago now and I never beat the game cause I eventually just had enough of the bullshit. This means that the game only gets worse from here and I honestly don't want to put up with that. I can't honestly say I've looked forward to recording even the last 2 sets I did because of how much of a troll Square has been with those two caves. The random floor things that hurt you in both caves are incredibly annoying, but it's those damn malboros (mobol's in the translated version I'm playing) that really just piss me off. Why would you put those into the game? They're incredibly overpowered in large groups, which they commonly spawn in. It's almost as bad as the Death Riders in FF2 (which is why I quit the game even though I'm arguably further in it than I ever got in FF4). The only reason they aren't worse is because they at least aren't in an area you have to go through to beat the game, but still that's basically square punishing people for being curious. I could understand them as a boss monster or something, but as a random encounter that isn't that uncommon? And to put them in chests containing mediocre items? That's just cruel.

That basically ends that rant. So yea for those of you who are as lost as I am, probably putting FF4 and Amnesia on hold (unless you really want me to play them), gonna be reducing my channel to 3 games at a time due to school priorities and shit like that (chrono trigger and 2 others), gonna have a vote of some kind for those 2 others on my channel, and this will all be in an update video I record probably Monday since I have to go into University on Sunday afternoon. So yea look forward to that.

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