Sunday, November 6, 2011

More Chrono Trigger recorded, gaming update.

Finally got more Chrono Trigger up and running. However I'm not really happy with how slow some of these projects are going. I don't really have as much time to record/play as much as I would like to so stuff just hasn't been getting done. I really want to finish FF4, Chrono Trigger, Deus Ex, and Amnesia by the end of the month but it's just been a lack of recording time slowing me down. I really want to do longer sittings right now but I rarely have that option with my recording window being limited to about 2 hours on Mondays and one hour on Saturdays for sure, so I'm really only getting an opportunity to record 3-4 hours of stuff a week. I would rather be recording 7+ hours a week (at least an hour a day). 

So basically to try and make this less painfully boring on myself I'm just gonna play whatever I feel like playing when I have time to record, rather than trying to just focus on one project or focus on swapping between my 5-6 projects. In other words, the series I want to play will get done a lot faster but the others will be more or less neglected. I know this is gonna piss off a few people but I will finish all the projects I currently have going on before taking on any new ones. I wasn't expecting Amnesia to take as long as it is and after 2 weeks it's just too much of the same game and I need a change. I'm gonna try and get most of it done tomorrow, if not all of it and finally put that game to rest so I can move on to other stuff which has been sitting around for way too long now. I mean, FF4 has technically been going on for 5 months and it needs to end.

I'm starting to think that 5 things at a time may just be too much at once for my current situation.

So once Deus Ex, FF4, and Chrono Trigger are done I will go down to 4, or maybe even 3 projects. For sure I'm gonna redo that zelda game and do it justice this time, and I might do either another final fantasy game or I'll pick up some other game that won't take long to beat.

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