Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Console games...

I have a way to record console games now on my laptop directly from my home console so now I have a whole library of games I could play for my channel. I can basically play anything from NES to PS2 games right now, but I really don't have that many games for some of the older consoles. For example I only have at the moment 2 SNES games, and the NES that I have is pretty tempermental so I probably won't record any games for it. I do have a few PS1 games I could try but I kinda already did FF4 and Chrono Trigger so those two are out, but I could do FF1 and 2 as well as whatever else I have for the console (Legend of Dragoon comes to mind but I'm not sure about starting it while LazyCanuckk is in the middle of doing his own playthrough of the game). I still have to fix a couple of audio issues on my end though since I find the audio seems to peak a bit during some of the high frequencies which sounds pretty annoying but I think that may be due to a decibel boost somewhere that needs to be turned off if I can find it.

I am tempted though to do a full playthrough of Super Mario World since I know the game pretty much like the back of my hand and I can easily go through it unlocking all secret exits plus the bonus levels in about 7-8 hours if I wanted to. I'd rather not start any console stuff though until I finish Skyrim, which is at the moment my only current project that isn't continuous (asides from Deus Ex but there's no way I have time to finish both Skyrim and Deus Ex before the hiatus unless I didn't record any more Minecraft and Killing Floor so yea).

At any rate I will really make a push towards finishing off Skyrim for the next few days and I'm slowing my uploads to 3 videos a day for the next few weeks just so I don't run out of stuff to post before the hiatus (I plan on putting up 2 vids a day for up to 6 weeks so I need at least 84 videos pre recorded to keep up that pace, and there lies my problem). In any case I will be very busy with rendering videos all weekend just to keep enough free space on my hard drive to continue recording. The plan is to render all the Terraria and FF4 this weekend and then work on the Skyrim stuff and whatever else I record this week, and that should clear up over 200 GB of space. I've got probably 35 videos recorded on my laptop already but those won't even last up to the hiatus at my current pace so I really need to get some other stuff recorded just to pile up the videos.

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