Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Focusing on FF5 this week

In an attempt to try and finish up my LP's before the hiatus I will be focusing my efforts mostly on FF5 this week. I've already recorded nearly 4 hours of footage for the series in 2 days, so I'd expect that footage to start going up by the end of the week. I also just rendered the Skyrim stuff from last week so that will be going up starting tomorrow. There's 7 videos total so I'll probably just split it into 2 days of footage. I'll probably end up recording either Minecraft, Killing Floor, or Skyrim sometime this week as well just to have something to upload with the FF5 stuff.

As far as FF5 progress goes, the game is getting more annoying by the hour at this point. It's not quite at FF4 levels yet but it gets pretty close as I go through the phoenix tower. The next area I need to go through will likely be just as annoying as FF4's final dungeon because that's about as much fun as I had playing through it when I wasn't recording. For those who are curious, that next area is the shrine that was surrounded by mountains earlier in the game. Those of you who have played the game before know that I'm quite a distance from where I last left off, and that's because I'm estimating that I've recorded up to part 66 of FF5, which tells me I'm probably at 80% complete for the game right now. I'm gonna save the last 10% for the final dungeon, because Square likes to make those take longer than they need to take. FF4's final dungeon basically took me 6 hours to get through (though because of editing you guys only saw about 3 and a half hours of the 4 hours I recorded for it), granted I did have lunch in between recording the first and second half of it, and also I had to redo the first hour cause I forgot to start recording. Even so, that's still at least 4 hours of me talking pretty much non stop. So yea when I get that far I'm gonna need to be prepared to talk for around 3-4 hours.

So yea I'm probably gonna have over 70 parts of FF5 recorded by the end of the week so you guys have something to look forward to now.

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