Thursday, May 10, 2012

More Skyrim and FF5 recorded

Lets just say I'm on a journey to find an Elder Scroll as far as progress in Skyrim goes. That being said, I have to go to Winterhold to ask the mages college about it, meaning next session is gonna be another road trip session.

As for FF5, I did get through the Great Forest of Mua, and threw in some bonus footage of me taking on the Gil Turtle. I kind of sped through the forest because I didn't feel like dealing with all the monsters inside it since it gets fairly repetitive in that forest (I swear the encounter rate is pretty high in there). However, while 4 characters went into the forest and 4 came out, one of our 4 Warriors of Light has been replaced by another. Next session will be the battle between us and Exdeath in his castle, in what seems to be the final confrontation of the game (or at least it's set up to look that way). You'll see what I mean when we cross that bridge.

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