Wednesday, July 25, 2012

85 out of 185 achievements in KF

It's not even half the achievements but considering most of the achievements I have left are for beating maps on various difficulties, that's pretty good. Getting the ones for normal difficulty is just a matter of playing the game on what's basically easy mode, where it's still possible to die but it's fairly hard to do so compared to hard mode. The other achievements that I need are mostly seasonal ones (like the Christmas and Halloween events), along with a few remaining weapons achievements and some random ones (like Uber Tuber, which I think was a temporary one back when they still had the potato in the store for about 72K). I honestly don't think it was possible to get anyways unless you were on beginner mode server with 5 other people giving you their money, or on a modded server that allowed for over 6 people at a time. So yea I'm not gonna be able to get every achievement but it would be nice to get at least all the hard mode ones, and maybe a few suicidal mode ones too if I feel like getting slaughtered a lot.

Oh yea, I beat Bedlam, Apeture, and Foundry on hard today so that's 2 of the 3 summer 2009 maps  on hard. If only I could ever find a game of Wyre on hard, then I'd be able to try my luck at the final achievement for that set and get 2 achievements at once. For those who are interested, I still need to beat Wyre, Hospital Horrors, Icebreaker, Filth's Cross, Suburbia, and Hellride for hard map achievements.

I've only played Suburbia once before and I thought it was a custom map at first, but nope apparently it's a legit map. I don't remember much asides from the fact that it was big and somewhat open, as well as fairly confusing,and that we died on round 4, yep. Then again I barely know the map so I'll have to check it out a bit solo before I really judge it.

I've played Wyre a couple times back when I used to play on normal but never won a match. The problem with that map isn't so much getting to the patriarch but it's surviving him because it's basically Mountainpass with more open area so he can hit you with a Law from across the map. It's also got a tunnel system underground that's fairly maze like with a few dead ends but most people just ignore the tunnels anyways.

Filth's Cross is a claustrophobic mess of a map with confusing hallways and stairwells all over the place. There's a couple decent hold off points but it's almost as bad as Hospital Horrors when it comes to getting lost in the maze of halls and ending up cornered and dead. I've never reached the patriarch on this map but I'd imagine it's possible to pipe trap him in some spots.

Speaking of which, Hospital Horrors is still one of the maps I need to beat so that'll take a while. That map is such a labyrinth and it's almost impossible to hold off in one spot for the whole match. It was definitely built for berserkers and support specialists, not sharpshooters and demo's. The more well equipped you are for clearing an escape route for yourself, the more likely it is you'll manage to survive to at least the later waves (7-10). I've also never reached the patriarch here and honestly I'm not sure how you'd go about dealing with him in such a confusing map. I guess if you're lucky and have a good spot a pipe trap could help but even with that he can still easily do away with you with his melee attacks in such close quarters. The roof is probably your best bet for him on this map as you'll at least have some room to run and can hide behind the vents for cover.

Hellride, the new map. I've played it 3 times and asides from the first time, I haven't survived to the patriarch. There's a few decent spots to hold out if you have door welding support  since several spots on the map basically become long hallways when doors are welded. It is a ride so really you're in a tunnel connected to hallways anyways. The main thing is most of the tunnel areas are filled with what I like to call death from above. Stuff constantly spawns in and drops down from ceilings in the main tunnel so it's best to avoid it in most spots. You can hold out towards the entrance of the Hell segment of the ride between the door and the ceiling dropdown point about halfway down the slope but asides from that spot it's best to avoid the main tunnel altogether and form a funnel point in one of the smaller halls. The patriarch is the real problem here if you survive to him because it's basically just a hallway map so one LAW from him can easily eliminate more than a few teammates. That basically happened to me the first time I played the map and everyone but me died from his LAW. That was a first for me and unfortunately I wasn't recording it but damn. A pipe trap could work as long as you're close enough to a trader near the smaller tunnels but if you aren't then good luck with the patriarch.

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