Monday, August 6, 2012

More KF achievements unlocked

I managed to beat both Crash and Icebreaker today. With Icebreaker I had a team that knew of a better spot to hold out than the top of the ship, and so we easily survived 10 waves with the only real issue being the Patriarch. Crash was also fairly easy and fun, where we just held out in the one area near the trader at the top of the stairwell in the building on the right. As long as you weld the door by the trader you only need to worry about the bottom of the stairs, and as long as you have a decent team you won't have to worry about being overrun by stuff. The Patriarch was also a bit tricky but we did have the stairwell trader so we managed to survive without much issue.

For those keeping track, this means I now only need to win a hard match on Wyre and I'll be completely done with hard mode map achievements. Normal mode shouldn't be much of a problem afterwards, and I'm fairly close to level 6 medic (though not close enough to get it in one recording session). So really all I can do now is just try to play Wyre whenever I can to beat it and try to get within 1000 healing points of level 6 medic before recording that session. Once that's done I'll probably spend a couple days on normal just for map achievements and then I'll likely practice more on hard mode before attempting the jump to suicidal.

Suicidal mode is actually quite a big jump from hard, for a few reasons. For one level 6 sharpshooters can no longer one hit scrakes or two hit Fp's. Berserkers can also no longer stun Scrakes with melee attacks unless they hit it with a secondary attack in the back of the head using a fire axe or claymore sword. In addition you also take a lot more damage from enemies and  you get less money from killing stuff than you do on hard, meaning you really need to spend wisely. Some classes that are alright in hard mode also become next to useless in suicidal. In particular, the firebug is completely useless in suicidal so don't bother with it there. While the sharpshooter is nerfed quite a bit in suicidal, it can still help with larger targets but it will be less effective against normal foes with headshots not killing in one hit on most zeds anymore. I've heard the key to survival in suicidal is the ability to survive on your own or away from your group, meaning berserkers  and commando's are likely to survive the longest in desperate situations. Medics can also be good but the damage output of medics stinks so they're best kept to a supporting role with healing injured teammates. Their body armor is the main reason that they can be so great but once that's gone they're as weak as any other class so being able to avoid getting hit is a key skill to develop regardless of the class you choose in suicidal mode. Most people choose to spawn as level 6 medics or berserkers for the free body armor, which is in all honesty probably the best thing to have if you want to survive for long in suicidal mode. Demo's can be useful for FP's but they are expensive to maintain in suicidal and are also usually quite slow because of all the extra weight so before wave 7 demo's should not be used. After wave 7 if you have the money and you really need a demo then I'd go with it to more easily dispatch of FP's. Keep in mind most of this knowledge comes from stuff I've been told and from watching SSoHPKC playing Killing Floor on suicidal difficulty. As a result I'm not aware of any alternatives that could be presented by the new weapons that were added to the game last Christmas and this summer (the M99 sniper rifle and the HSG shotgun in particular). I don't know if the M99 can one shot scrakes on suicidal difficulty but if it can then the sharpshooter may be more useful than I give it credit (granted you only get 25 shots with it so you'd best make each one count).

Also before I forget, as a result of beating Crash I also got the Pound Cake achievementfor beating all "other" map achievements (the ones added after the summer 2009 maps but before Evil Santa's Lair was added), and while I was wasting time in the Doom2 custom map I managed to kill 2 scrakes with 1 shot from the M99, earning me another achievement. This puts me at 96/185 achievements, which is around 52%. This doesn't seem like much but keep in mind that 2 weeks ago I only had around 70 achievements, and in this game where over half the achievements are map related that's a pretty damn big accomplishment without playing on normal. I still have a few random event achievements to collect, in particular the halloween event ones involving Bedlam *shudders*, as well as a few Christmas related ones. I also have one more summer achievement to get but it involves killing stuff from behind with melee weapons, which is incredibly hard to do and requires more luck than skill. Asides from those though I still need to kill 100 Fp's with the AA12, get 1000 kills with the pipe bomb as a demolitions class, defeat the patriarch on suicidal, kill one of each zed with the HSG in one round (which I somehow haven't managed despite multiple attempts), kill 15 husks with the husk fireball launcher, kill a zed attacking a teammate with the new medic gun, get into Glados' core on Apeture, and one completely random achievement that I think was only available when the potato was in the trader store for $72000, unless that also happens to be in Glados' core. There's a few others as well but those are the major ones as far as I care.

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