Sunday, September 30, 2012

More FF6 recorded

I've now got up to part 68 of FF6 recorded. I still need to render out parts 56-68 but those 3 sessions worth of videos should start going up on Monday. I've got enough Deus Ex footage to last another week as well (parts 53-59 still haven't gone up), as well as having a good 7-8 parts of Minecraft to upload after that deus ex stuff is up. Most of this excess stuff is a result of me getting lucky and having more time to record than I originally anticipated. Monday's and Saturdays are still my only guaranteed times but every now and then a Wednesday or Friday session opens up, and so far I've managed to capitalize on those brief openings. If I start to build up a surplus of videos I will upload 3 videos a day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and possibly also on weekends.

Suppose I should also mention I'll be going back home for thanksgiving weekend so my recording time is gonna change drastically for the weekend. I might be able to record stuff, but there's also a greater chance that I won't have time to record anything. So yea no promises. Uploading should be unaffected though.

As for my 1000 video special, I'm still not sure of what I'll do but I'm definitely in the later half of Deus Ex and FF6 so I might be tempted to start a new series. However I don't want to disrupt the balance that I've got going between Minecraft, Deus Ex, and FF6 so I kinda don't want to disrupt it by adding in a 4th series. Right now it's basically between an hour long Killing Floor session or an hour of a new game that is coming out/ has came out in the last week or two.

No, I won't be doing Borderlands 2 because I haven't even played the first one and it's a game that would likely be a lot better with other people. Unless someone with a fairly established channel magically appears and wants me to do borderlands 2 with them I won't be playing through that game.

Resident Evil 6 is also highly unlikely unless they suddenly decide to release a PC version of the game. I could do a PS3 playthrough but I don't have access to my PS3 while at school so the series wouldn't get finished until late spring/early summer 2013.

So yea if I'm gonna start something new it'll probably be an older game that I haven't gotten around to playing yet that is available on PC. I honestly have no idea what I'd do at this point but I'll try to think of something, otherwise, it'll be an hour of Killing Floor.

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