Friday, September 28, 2012

More Minecraft and FF6 recorded

Got probably up to part 63 of FF6 now, and I got another 100 or so minutes of Minecraft recorded over the last couple days. The Minecraft stuff likely won't start going up until the end of next week because of all the Deus Ex I have yet to upload. I also still have a lot of FF6 to go through so there will still be a video a day of that for at least another week (in addition to whatever I record tomorrow).

Suppose I should also mention that I will likely hit 1000 videos next Sunday. I'll have to record a special or something to mark that occasion. Not sure what I'll do but it'll probably be a super long episode of Killing Floor or something along those lines.

All three of my projects that aren't currently on hiatus are all around the 60 part mark, which means we're likely coming to the end of FF6 and Deus Ex. I'm not sure how much is left in FF6 but I don't think it'll last over 100 parts. As for Deus Ex, at the rate I'm playing and with only 4-5 areas left to go (Montreal, Detroit, China, some island, and the end game area), I'm gonna say it'll take at least another 40 parts or so to beat the game depending on how many side quests are between me and the main mission. I don't forsee any side quests for a while though since I'm pretty sure Montreal does not have any side quests. Pretty much after revisiting Detroit I don't think there are many more side quests available in the game, if any at all. This means the last stretch of the game should be fairly linear as far as only having one objective but I'm sure there will still be multiple ways of reaching that destination, as usual. The Return to Minecraft Solo is likely gonna be a 300 or so part series if I really go through with building multiple villages and connecting them via roads and/or rails so that'll be going for quite a while. at the rate I'm going I'm probably gonna finish with the winter village around part 100.

Suppose I should also mention that preliminary tests for FF7 are going well so far, I just need to test actually recording it. It is completely lag free when not recording, so here's hoping it stays that way when I do actually record.

Finally, I regret to inform you all that my pop filter is quite dead. It actually broke on Wednesday just before starting my Minecraft recording, and I don't think it's repairable without getting some supplies from my parents house (mainly more wire to essentially rebuilt it from scratch). I could probably come up with some temporary solution to the problem but it wouldn't permanently resolve the issue, so for now my broken pop filter is basically leaning on my mic and basically acting like a sock over my microphone, which is basically gonna act as a damper for my voice instead of just acting as a wind breaker.

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