Thursday, October 11, 2012

1000th video special is up, more stuff recorded

I did decide to do Skyrim for my 1000th video special. I didn't do any DLC or anything like that since it's really just an overpriced 4-8 hours of extra stuff to do and I've still got over half the game left to explore and probably at least a hundred more quests to do so I will definitely be busy for another 100 or so hours. Maybe by the time I get that stuff out of the way the DLC will be reasonably priced. But yea anyways I decided to make hunting for dragon priest masks my top priority for the foreseeable future because it's something that I haven't seen anyone do yet in a full game playthrough. I've only seen SSoH's (Seamus') playthrough in all 274 parts of it's awesomeness and I've seen the first 20 or so parts of PBat's playthrough and while PBat did at least discover the Labyrinthian and find out about the wooden mask, SSoH did not. So yea I've decided to take it upon myself to go out and do that.

As I've said before I am only planning on doing 3 games at a time while I'm at University, and since Minecraft and FF6 are the main subjects of my attention that only leaves room for one more. At the moment I'm adamant about finishing Deus Ex before starting any new projects, so until Deus Ex is out of the way I likely won't be recording more Skyrim. More or less this 1000 video special was to let people know that I have not forsaken Skyrim and that I am serious about continuing to play the game on my channel even after beating it. My original goal of trying to finish Deus Ex before Halloween was probably far too ambitious as I'd likely need a good 5 sessions at the very least before I finish the game, and that's just not gonna happen. Assuming I record it once a week I can likely finish Deus Ex by mid November, but even that is somewhat ambitious of me. The holiday season is usually quite a bit more hectic for me when it comes to recording so there may be a bit of a Christmas hiatus like there was last year so don't be surprised if there's a few days without videos when December comes around. With the stockpile of footage I have now I can probably not record for 2 weeks and have enough videos to go around if I only upload 2 a day (having 3 sessions of FF6 and 2 sessions of Minecraft still waiting to render will do that to you).

Tomorrow I will record more Deus Ex for you guys since I'm gonna have a recording opportunity and I plan to capitalize upon it. Just as a reminder Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends are triple upload days from now on to help prevent my hard drive from filling up with un-rendered videos. The only exception to this is if I upload a longer video, in which case there will only be one video but it will probably be around an hour long so it would probably be the equivalent of 4-6 videos in a day (seeing as my average video length is around 12 minutes). The only special I'm planning for at the moment is an hour long Killing Floor session that I'll likely be recording next week if they launch their Halloween event by then. I can almost guarantee that the Killing Floor special will be uploaded the day before Halloween because that's when I'll have a night class at university and the upload speed there is 10 times the upload speed where I live so that hour long video should only take about 30-60 minutes to upload compared to the nearly 10 hours it took to upload my Skyrim special last weekend.

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