Saturday, October 13, 2012

More Deus Ex and FF6 recorded

I got about 2 hours of Deus Ex recorded on Friday, and just under an hour of FF6 recorded today. As usual, Deus Ex is taking longer than I expected when it comes to actually progressing the game, partially due to me stupidly dying a lot because of my failed attempts at stealth or to be more specific my failed attempts at  knocking out everyone in the area unnecessarily and wasting half my supplies in the process. Yea I've really gotta stop doing that. I know you get experience for non lethal takedowns but  the ammo cost is definitely not good for me in the long run, especially when you find yourself with no ammo in an area filled with people (granted part of that was due to a lack of any shops for the last 4 hours of the game so I went into this area with few supplies in the first place). As for FF6, I've found a new airship for myself so we can now basically access everything in the game if we so choose (even going to Kefka's tower to confront him, which would be stupid to do since we're only around level 30-32). This means there's a lot of side stuff to do, most of which seems to involve finding and training Gau again (which if I choose to do that I will do so off screen), and a lot of stuff involving the Coliseum and all the save stating that will likely be occuring should I ever decide to attempt it (which I will likely be doing off screen just to get some awesome rare items).

Also while most of you are enjoying your somewhat decent fall weather, we got to enjoy Christmas in October for about 4-5 hours on Thursday...

So yea, that was a fun morning. For people who are wondering where this was taken, this was taken from the bus stop at the campus of Algoma University. Keep in mind this is not normal weather for this time of the year, we usually don't get much, if any snow until the second half of November. It had all melted by Friday but there was a good 2 inches of snow by the time it stopped snowing (which was around 12pm, this photo was taken around 11:15am). So yea, that was fun to walk in since I was only wearing running shoes at the time.

But yea asides from all the weather shenanigans that have occurred here, I'm probably gonna be making a push to finish off Deus Ex and FF6 soon, because I not only want to bring back Skyrim but I also want to start possibly recording Borderlands. I never really played it before this week to be honest but I'm playing it now just to see what it's like and so far I'm enjoying what I've played of it so as soon as I can find the time to record it I will definitely be throwing that up on my list of stuff to record assuming Fraps will record CD games, because I've never actually tried to record them before. If it won't, then I'll just have to buy it on Steam, hopefully in some kind of a Steam deal with Borderlands 2 involved.

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