Thursday, May 16, 2013

Finishing a lot of stuff I hadn't beaten yet

Ever since I beat FF7 I've been on an RPG binge of sorts. I've had this urge to play older RPG's for the last week and sadly it seems I just can't satisfy this craving right now. I went back to FF2 the other day after not touching it for almost 2 years, and beat it in about an hour. I then spent 12 of the next 24 hours beating Soul of Rebirth, which is the optional end game dungeon for the GBA version of FF2. Even doing that I still felt like there was more to do, so for the first time in over 6 years I went back to Children of Mana, the DS game that was released probably 7-8 years ago at this point that I'd gotten to the end dungeon of and never beat. After over 2 hours I got through that, and then still unsatisfied due to the end boss being surprisingly easy I actually looked up a walkthrough to find every optional sidequest I hadn't yet done, and over the next 4 hours completed them (including the post end game 17 floor optional dungeon). Even after all this I still feel like continuing on, and so I went back to Legend of Dragoon, a game I started last summer but never finished due to me not really feeling like doing much after recovering from jaw surgery and the fact that I was busy playing Dragon's Dogma. I'm almost at the end of disk 1 now, only have the revisit of Helena Prison and the whole final town/area of disk 1 to trek through (which'll take probably about 2 hours at the most).

Even doing this I'm still left unsatisfied and I believe I know why. It's because there's one game I have a sudden urge to play more than any other right now but I have no means of playing currently, and that game is Phantasy star 2. I only played it for about 8 hours as a kid and didn't get that far into it but because I've beaten pretty much every other game I liked as a kid at this point except for that one I feel obligated to play through and beat Phantasy star just to quell this desire. FF2 and Children of Mana didn't fill that void, and even playing Legend of Dragoon, while I do enjoy the game I'm still not getting the satisfaction that I really want.

So yea, that's part of the reason why the only stuff going up on my channel recently has been FF1 and Zelda, mostly because I've been in a classic RPG mood for a while. I guess my hard drive crashing a month and a half ago may have also contributed to this since when it crashed I just didn't want to even touch any game that I played on my laptop (which was pretty much every game I'd played for the last year or so outside of 40 hours of Dragon's Dogma and about 5 hours of LoD).

I am kind of over it now, granted I still don't even want to think about the 4+ hours of stuff that's probably lost forever, which is probably why I haven't continued with Skyrim or Borderlands 2. I do enjoy both games though, but I think the other thing with Borderlands 2 was that from November 2012 to March 2013 I'd logged over 70 hours into both Borderlands and Borderlands 2, for a total of around 140 hours. I don't even have 140 hours in Skyrim yet and I've played it off and on for over a year. I probably just tired myself out of the game to be honest, and since it's co-op it's not always up to me when I record it. My brother's girlfriend is living with him now so there's pretty much zero opportunity for me to record this series with him anymore. I may have to continue Borderlands 2 without him if I do get back to it anytime soon. So yea, it's pretty much on hiatus now until better times come around for both of us.

I suppose I should also mention the reason I don't really do any new games is because I am actually a really skeptical person when it comes to games, and I usually won't buy a game unless I've heard it's good or have seen some gameplay footage of it. I know most people aren't like that, but that's mostly because I don't want to waste money on something that ends up being a giant piece of crap. I bought Sniper Elite V2 a few months after it released based on gameplay footage alone but that game controls pretty awkwardly on PC and since I don't have a controller that's compatible with the game I basically canned that series after one session because it was getting stupidly dumb. I'm also not big on shooters, I do enjoy some of them but for the most part they just don't really interest me that much. I used to be pretty big on CoD 4 a few years ago before I even started any Youtube stuff but it's been at least 6 years since I actually played those games competitively online. I also did a good bit of Resistance 2 stuff, mostly the co-op online missions, not so much the team deathmatch stuff (I did try just for the trophies but the trophy system for that online mode was stupidly broken and would only count the kills if you let the game auto pick a server for you, I gave up since the game usually picked servers with 5-10 people per team making it hard to get kills). It wasn't so much that I was bad at the competitive multiplayer in that game, but it honestly wasn't nearly as fun as the co-op stuff in my opinion. Really the most fun I've had with online shooters since CoD4 changed the shooter market was in Killing Floor, and even that got stale after I maxed all the classes since there was almost no incentive to continue after doing that and getting all the normal and hard mode map achievements last summer.

I guess you could count the Borderlands series as a shooter as well but that's a completely different style of shooter than the others for the most part, to the point where it's more of an RPG than just a mindless shooter, and even the online co-op has a completely different feel than Resistance 2 and Killing Floor. I'm just not really a fan of stuff more along the lines of Gears of War and Bioshock. I know those games have their appeal but they're just not my type of game. Either way, long rant is long and I don't normally buy new games. Hell, I don't even know what's coming out over the next few months anyways. Guess I'll find out when June and July come around and my youtube sub box is filled with a bunch of new stuff.

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