Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ultimate Wargod

Yea after probably 6+ hours of grinding up additions on the ghost ship while attempting the 3 digit combination chest puzzle, I finally managed to actually solve the code in 2 tries to obtain the Ultimate Wargod. It's an item that automatically completes additions for you, which is handy for boss battles. I'm not sure if using it actually counts towards completing an addition but either way I'm not planning on using it for grinding since honestly it would take the fun out of it. Yea, I know additions are basically QTE's but honestly there's just something satisfying about getting them right so I'm probably just not gonna use this item unless I get to a point where I pretty much need to use it.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, there's a chest on the ghost ship in Legend of Dragoon with a 3 digit combination lock. You get the numbers for the chest from 4 ghosts, who each give you a number but one of them is wrong. From that you have to find the correct sequence to input those numbers to unlock the chest. It doesn't sound too hard, but there's a limit on the amount of attempts you get. The limit starts at 10 attempts, and once you open the chest and get the item the chest closes and you can get more numbers from the ghosts to try again, but each time you succeed the number of attempts goes down by 2 until you only get 2 attempts at opening it. The prize, as you would expect, also changes each time you solve it. The numbers are randomly generated so you can't just look up the combinations, and the ghosts who give you the numbers are on the opposite end of the ship from the chest so you'll have to fight or dodge the spirits in between both chests. In addition if you fail to solve the puzzle in the given amount of attempts the numbers reset and you have to get new ones from the ghosts, and you're also forced to fight 3 skeletons as punishment.

So yea I basically used this puzzle as an excuse to grind on the ghost ship for about 6 hours or so. Honestly the skeletons you fight for failing are better to grind on than the enemies on the ship itself, because the wisps on the ship can, and usually will cast fairly powerful fire magic about half the time that can target one or all of your characters for around 100 damage each (or around 200 damage if it's single target). What makes this such a great spot to grind is the fact that the game provides a free inn on the Queen Fury so you can infinitely heal up after battle, and there's even a weapon and item shop on board for your convenience. The reason I did this now rather than later on is because the ghost ship event to my knowledge is a one time only event on Disc 2 of the game, so once you beat the boss on the ship you can never go back to it because the boat will sink immediately afterwards.

In other news, I'm pretty much overleveled as all hell because of the grinding. While the enemies in this game don't give much exp in general (outside of boss battles which usually give enough xp for a free level up on all characters), doing that much fighting has earned me dragoon level 4 on both Dart and Rose, and I've almost gotten everyone their level 3 additions completed (Rose and Albert are both over halfway to complete on their level 3's, Dart's half done his level 5 and everyone else has all their additions maxed out for now until they learn new ones). So yea, I'm not joking around when I say I'm overleveled. I was overleveled before even beginning the ghost ship anyways since I managed to defeat the wingly in Castle Fletz without having to use dragoon form and using only 2 healing breezes to restore health. I guess that means I'm probably super overleveled now and more than likely will be until probably halfway through Disk 3. To my knowledge I'm pretty sure I'm almost finished Disk 2 now so I'll probably have this disk beaten before midnight.

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