Monday, November 4, 2013

Been on a random Pokemon binge lately

I've been playing a lot of Pokemon recently because for the last 4 months or so I've wanted to get back into playing Pokemon games. I figured since the last game I played was Fire Red/Leaf Green and since I've played pretty much every other game since before those (outside of Green and Yellow) that I'd just pick up where I left off and start with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. So yea I've already got over 50 hours in Diamond and I've only beaten the first 5 gyms so far. This is mostly because I'm actually taking the time to train Pokemon and figure out which of the gen 4's I like best and which ones can carry me through the elite 4. I've never played competitively and don't plan on playing competitively anytime soon so it probably doesn't matter that much whether the Pokemon I'm getting have the right natures or whatever for what I need, I'm more focused on having a balanced party to deal some serious damage to whatever comes my way. I did use a program to hack in all 3 starters with stats and natures that were randomized to be within legal limits and with abilities that were randomly selected via coin flip between the two abilities that each starter can possibly have. The reason I did this was because if I did have a copy of both games what I used to do for every version I played was just continuously trade starters from one copy to the other until both copies had all 3 starters, but because there's no way to trade using DS emulators I've had to use a program to hack them in. You might think this is kinda cheap but honestly since traded Pokemon won't obey you if they surpass level 10 before the second gym I still had to properly train 3 other Pokemon to carry me through the first 2 gyms so that they'd obey up to level 30. 

My party right now is made up of the following Pokemon:

Roselia lvl 34 (with Cut, Magical Leaf, Giga Drain, and Stun Spore)
Crobat lvl 33 (with WIng Attack, Mean Look, Fly, and Bite)
Lopunny lvl 35 (with Pound, Rock Smash, Jump Kick, and Agility)
Luxray lvl 36 (with Thief, Spark, Charge, and Crunch)
Empoleon lvl 36 (with Surf, BubbleBeam, Peck, and Brine)
Infernape lvl 37 (with Close Combat, Feint, Flame Wheel, and Mach Punch)

I've also got a lvl 34 Torterra which I may swap into my party depending on my needs (considering the next gym is steel type I may want him over Roselia). I'm also considering replacing Empoleon with Floatzel and replacing Crobat with Staravia, depending on what their base stats end up looking like by the time they get up to around level 35. I know Empoleon outside of having very high Special attack and Defense is very mediocre with everything else and has terrible speed so I may have to swap him out for a faster water type that can hopefully still deal a decent amount of damage with special attacks. I still have to look up Staraptor's base stats and compare them to Crobat and see if it's worth swapping out but I know Crobat has a very high speed stat so it's almost always guaranteed the first blow and it has a decent attack stat but isn't strong defensively. Staraptor is almost guaranteed to be slower but I'm wondering if having that extra attack boost will be worth the drop, not to mention Endeavor is a stupidly good move that's available to the Starly evolution line.

Once I deal with the whole Iron Island area I may also want to swap out Lopunny with riolu/lucario and then possibly consider swapping Infernape with Rapidash so that I don't have too many fighting types with me. I know Lopunny has decent speed and defence but falls short on attack and special attack and is overall a fairly mediocre Pokemon so I'm hoping Lucario will provide the attack boost I need without sacrificing too much speed. As for Rapidash, it's fast and probably has a decent special attack stat, which is something I think would benefit me more than Infernape's high attack stat in the long run since if I do get Lucario I'm probably gonna be good on the whole strong and fast fighting type attacks front and having two Pokemon doing the same thing would kind of be redundant. But yea that'll all sort itself out probably before the end of the 7th gym.

But enough about Pokemon, as far as my recordings go I've still got 2 sessions of Terraria to render out as well as one more session of Pixelmon, which at this point I'm considering not uploading because I literally do nothing but fight Pokemon for 2 hours. The Pixelmon update did finally release last week, adding the gen 2 starters as well as some of the gen 3 and 4 starters so that'll be fun to play around with. I've actually managed to find most of them on my own (outside of Mudkip and Turtwig) so that at least gives me something to do asides from training up Pokemon for hours on end.  At this point I'm still kind of considering the series to be dead due to the lack of stuff to do outside of multiplayer so let it be known that I'm still looking for anyone with a server or anything so I can at least do something more interesting. At this point though I think I've already sold most of the people watching that series on the mod so doing any multiplayer stuff at this point would more or less just be me having fun with the mod in a way that is at least watchable on youtube (because I'm pretty sure no one wants to see me fight the same pokemon about 20 times just to level stuff up).

As far as FF7 goes, I'm hoping to record more of it this week so keep an eye out for it in the coming days. I'm probably gonna upload more Terraria tomorrow so if I do record it you probably won't see it up till early next week. Asides from that there's really not much going on in my life right now so that's basically it on the update front.

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