Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The month where progress is made

Since January was my least productive month recording wise in the history of the channel I figure I'd bounce back from it by doing a crapload of work in February. For the first time in months I've recorded and edited stuff on back to back days. I only did about an hour of stuff on both days since that's probably a lot more manageable for me, so there's only 5 videos of content to show for it. However it should be noted that 3 of those videos are the last 3 videos of my return to Terraria series. Yes, I finished Terraria on Monday and the final part is going up within hours of this being posted. After not touching the game for a month and a half I sat myself down last week to try and record a short session and it went so terribly that I completely scrapped the hour I recorded and got to doing some serious catch up in order to prepare for finishing off the series. I did around 10 hours of work offscreen on Terraria last weekend to prepare for this session combined with the 15 hours or so I worked offscreen just before Christmas for a total or around 25 hours of offscreen work between the last session I recorded and this session. To be fair I probably should have recorded a bit more in that offscreen time but most of what I did was grinding for specific drops from monsters. Specifically I spent around 5 hours underground looking for a Philosopher's Stone and a Cross Necklace, on top of around 4 hours in the underground jungle hunting for turtles to get a chance at their rare turtle shell drops to make the best armor in the game. This doesn't include the hours I spent getting over 600 pieces of Chlorophyte ore to make the bars required for the armor, or the couple hours I spent grinding up cash for weapon reforging. I did a lot more than just that offscreen though but to be honest I can't remember much of what I did around Christmas in the game so I can only assume it was grinding up cash and probably grinding up items for bullet crafting (which I actually never used any ichor or crystal bullets this time around for any of the bosses, though I did pull out the minishark for the last few hits on Skeletron Prime but those were chlorophyte bullets).

Anyways outside of Terraria, I also recorded my first session of FF7 since probably around November. To be honest I really wasn't looking forward to this session because of the amount of bullshit associated with specifically Fort Condor and the hardest optional QTE in the game also known as the marching minigame. I did about half an hour of grinding up cash before recording and decided to just dive straight back into the game and managed to get through Junon without too much of an issue. At this point my memory of the game is super foggy so I may have missed a few items but I'm honestly not too worried about it at this point. To be honest I really just want to at least get through Disk 1 before Spring begins and in order to do that I'm gonna need to really apply myself and record FF7 at least once a week. For those who are wondering, I'm probably around halfway through Disk 1 by the end of the session I just recorded since I ended up saving and quitting on the ship that leaves Junon to go to that one random resort town who's name escapes me (because I don't think it's actually been named yet in the story unless I missed talking to some random NPC somewhere).

But yea outside of those series, I now have over 650 Pokemon caught in Pokemon X and at this point I am now only in need of the legendaries from previous versions of the game. Specifically I need basically all of the special event legendaries (which is gonna be a bitch since those ones were only ever obtainable if you lived in Asia), but outside of that I also need most of the gen 3-5 legendaries. I already managed to trade for every gen 2 legendary so those aren't my main issue at this point. But anyways I'll probably try and get the rest of the non event legendaries using the GTS but getting those event ones is gonna take some serious haggling to the point where I almost don't even want to bother with it. I did hear that Nintendo is working on this Pokemon Bank app on the Eshop which comes with a free Celebi but I think that thing requires a $5 yearly subscription and in all honesty I really don't need all that space for storing Pokemon.

In all honesty with Nintendo in the financial position they are with the continuing catastrophic failure of the Wii U I'm honestly half surprised they don't just straight up make the event specific legendaries available in game for a $5 price tag. Seriously though, people will legitimately buy them (me included) just because Nintendo is famous for shafting Pokemon fans who live outside of Asia by not making their event Pokemon available globally. I mean, when you think about it when you buy a version of a Pokemon game you're basically paying for the version that has the legendary that you want in it, since you're literally slammed in the face with the choice right on the box art of the game. People are buying these games every year simply because the core gameplay mechanics have been solid since the first generation and pretty much every game since Gold/Silver have basically just been expansion packs to the core game. I think it's at the point where Nintendo has really basically perfected this game over the last 15-20 years and so really the only place they can go from here is pretty much straight up DLC. Obviously this generation of the game wasn't really built properly for a real DLC but I have a feeling that gen 7 will be far more compatible with the whole concept of DLC to the point where they might legitimately just create remodeled versions of the worlds from previous generations and have those available to play in as DLC to the main storyline. Honestly, who wouldn't want to be able to travel from the Kalos region to Kanto or Johto, or even revisit Hoenn, Sinnoh, or Unova? The whole ability to jump from Johto to Kanto in Gold/Silver was my favorite part of that whole generation (even if Kanto wasn't really completely finished due to technological limitations at the time).

But now I'm rambling on about stuff. In any case I'll try and record more FF7 before the end of the week and possibly try and sneak in a Skyrim session somewhere just to keep stuff moving along. I may also go back to Starbound despite a complete lack of feedback on the one video I posted simply because I really want to get back into the game. No guarantee that I'll be recording any of that though, but I might.

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