Thursday, January 23, 2014

More stuff coming soon?

Assuming I can drag my ass out of bed tomorrow morning I'm planning on perhaps recording some more Skyrim. At this point I honestly just don't feel like playing Terraria or FF7 anymore and that's honestly been the largest reason why those have been absent from the channel for the last two weeks. Some of you may have noticed that I have recently bought and been playing Starbound on Steam, but since the game is in the early Beta stages and not much content yet exists for it I'd rather not record it for the channel since at this point it's basically mostly just gonna be me gathering resources and ores to advance up the equipment tiers until I reach the final tier, and not much else outside of the occasional boss fight.

As far as my Pokemon X adventures go, I've now come into contact with 501 Pokemon, and own probably around 450 of them. I own all starters across all generations thanks to a full day of searching the GTS for good deals. I also managed to find myself a Hydreigon on Victory Road after a good bit of searching, as well as a Skarmory. Most of the Pokemon I'm missing in the Kalos Pokedex are in the mountain region, including the Y exclusive legendary and Shuckle. I will also eventually need to catch the Moltres that randomly fly's around Kalos and hopefully I can do some trading using him as bait to get the other legendary birds. Outside of Aromatisse I now own every Pokemon in Central Kalos, and outside of the legendary birds and the taillow/swellow line I have all the Coastal Kalos Pokemon. At some point I'm gonna have to start looking into the whole friend system and working on the whole friend safari to see what I can find there but for now I'm sticking mostly to using the GTS to find stuff and bribing people with hard to find Pokemon.

Outside of Pokemon and Starbound I downloaded Barkley's Shut up and Jam: Gaiden a few days ago after watching the speedrun of it on AGDQ. If you don't know what this game is, basically just imagine your favorite JRPG's, and now imagine they're entirely basketball related and also super amazing and ridiculous. That's basically the best I can sum it up. Also it's free. If you're interested just punch it into google and it should be maybe the 5th result or so? I forget, but the one you want is hosted on gamejolt since that's where the game was originally uploaded. I guess you could download it from elsewhere but who knows what kind of crap may be attached so I'd recommend just getting it from the source. It's not a long game, maybe only 2-3 hours at most and it's not overly difficult once you get a feel for the controls (unfortunately there's no controller support at this time but it's only a 3 button game so it's not too bad, and controls can be remapped in the options menu). So yea, check that out if you're interested.

Outside of that, I have up to part 220 of Skyrim ready to upload (219 is uploading as I type), so I hope you like Skyrim. Once again I just haven't felt like recording anything but Skyrim for a while so that's why nothing else is going up. I'd do Barkley, but there's a fair amount of copyrighted music used in it, including a remix of the space jam theme on the start screen, and one of the boss songs sounds like it's taken from some 80's rock/metal band and so I'd rather not deal with the copyright issues that more than likely would arise from me recording and uploading this game to youtube. I may get back to Terraria before the end of the month, since I am close to the end of the game again. If I do get back to it though I may just end up using the well known hellstone exploits to utterly destroy the next couple bosses because as of right now I have not managed to even get to the halfway point of the Twins bossfight, granted I don't yet have the minishark. In any case I really don't feel like grinding for more coins in that game at the moment so that's the main reason why I haven't touched it since before Christmas.

As far as FF7 goes, I just am not looking forward to the next 4-5 hours of the game because it's fairly QTE based and my recording method causes imput lag. Not to mention the fact that I kinda want to do all the available Fort Condor missions but those are incredibly annoying and on top of that I just don't want to have to cut them out because it'd be an annoyance to edit using the software that comes with the Dazzle (especially considering I have to basically edit all that stuff twice in order to split the video into seperate clips and add the fade ins and fade outs). I knew FF7 was gonna be a pain in the ass to do, especially since it's a far more frustrating game to both play and record than FF6 or any of the prior games just due to the poor controls in comparison. I'm sure they got better from FF8 onwards with this stuff but honestly it's just bad enough to be the biggest reason I prefer FF6 to FF7. Not to mention the game at this early stage feels like it's kind of dragging on a bit in pacing. Hell, the pace of this game overall is way slower but in particular the first half of disc 1 and the first couple hours of disk 2 just kind of drag on for way too long as far as I'm concerned. I'm kinda wishing I'd just skipped over this game at this point but now that I've started it, I'm kind of obligated to see it through. I'm hoping to be done with Disk 1 by March at this point, so that means I'll be doing a lot of this game over the coming weeks.

But yea that about wraps this up. Hopefully that answers any questions people may, or may not have had related to the lack of certain things in the last few weeks. Outside of that, I am planning to become far more active with my recordings starting next week in an attempt to avoid droughts like the one that's been going on for most of this month (with 8 videos in 24 days at this point, definitely a low for the channel).

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