Thursday, December 12, 2013

Another quick update

Over the last few days I've done a fair bit of behind the scenes work in Terraria, which has likely saved me a lot of editing because it took me around 8 hours to get enough adamantite to make a full set of armor. In that time I also located 3 shadow chests and was invaded by goblins 3 times and had to deal with pirates once. I also had the twins come by uninvited twice just to mercilessly murder me each time. I also found and killed at least 2 mimics and gained both a philosopher's stone and a magic dagger. I also found a beam sword, which I relied on heavily for most of my cave explorations, including a trip to the underground crimson which is a pain to deal with due to almost every enemy there being able to fly (not to mention the ones who shoot highly damaging projectiles and the ones who have wraith-like properties and can therefore travel through walls). I have however collected enough souls of flight to craft wings, which although they may be useful for travelling I have definitely upgraded most of my weapons due to getting nearly 2 platinum coins in my efforts and so I'm unsure of whether I'd ever use them simply because I gained the armored version of all but two of my accessories, which means I have a much needed extra 9 defense. Even with these upgrades though I'm still far from immune to dying from these new enemies, in particular those with ranged capabilities. I'll cover more of the stuff I did offscreen when I record the next session of Terraria tomorrow.

Outside of that, I'll be returning to FF7 as soon as I take an hour of time offscreen to grind up some cash for dealing with the fort condor missions. I will likely do them all at some point but because of how sporadically they become available and how small a window of opportunity you have to do some of them I will likely end up just doing it while recording and then cut out the parts where I have to backtrack to Fort Condor because there's literally nothing to see there outside of the same types of battles over and over again. In other words, the annoyingness of preparing/recording FF7 is the main reason why the series has been so sporadically uploaded (on top of the fact that I don't care much for the janky feel of the controls).

As for Pixelmon, I have no idea when I'll record more of it, but when I do I'll be training up all the pokemon that were caught last session, meaning it'll literally be a whole session worth of grinding. For those of you who like this series I'm sorry that I don't have a better answer but in all honesty I really need to get Terraria or Final Fantasy 7 out of the way quickly so I can get back to other stuff, like Skyrim.

On a final note, Skyrim is still on hiatus for no particular reason other than the fact that I've got way too much stuff going on right now to handle 4 series at once (I can barely properly manage to do 3 series at a time due to both a lack of recording time and a severe lack of decent upload speed). I've talked about my internet issues before and while I was a University student I at least could try to upload while at school to take advantage of their ungodly upload speeds (where hour long videos would go up in 5 minutes and it actually took longer for Youtube to process the video than upload it), but I no longer have that luxury. I suppose I could go super out of my way to sneak on to campus with my laptop and pretend to be a student but that's a lot of hassle just to upload stuff quickly. So yea as it is right now it takes 3+ hours to upload a 20 minute video, which is pretty damn terrible, and no I can't get a faster internet package because where I'm at right now this is literally the fastest available in the area, and while I was living closer to university it would have cost me over $200 a month to get the fastest available internet package, which is completely ridiculous and unrealistic just to upload maybe 50 or so videos a month (which was around what I used to pump out a year ago before switching from the 12-15  minute long video format to the 20+ minute long video format). I could put out more videos in the old format, but the only reason I really stuck to that format was due to previously only being able to upload a maximum of 15 minute long videos. Since I've been able to do videos that were over 15 minutes long, I've been gradually increasing video length trying to strive for around 20 minutes since that seems to be around the magic number for most people who are actually invested into what you're doing (granted I find this number goes up or down depending on the game being played, for example I find games with more exploration and questing work better with this longer format, whereas games with a lot more repetition like most FPS's or random simple stuff like Peggle tend to work better with the shorter format).

In any case, I'm probably around 70% done with Terraria at this point so hopefully I can get it done around January/February. FF7 is still a long ways from being over since I swear this game really drags on if you try to do everything along the way, but to put a number to it I'd say I'm around 15% done with it, and I'm about a third of the way through disk 1. Actually yea that math almost works since the last disk is literally only the final dungeon, with pretty much all the optional endgame questing becoming available to complete in disk 2 (including the fabled Emerald and Ruby weapons, which I won't be doing because they're basically FF7's version of the two optional overpowered bosses in the final dungeon of FF5). Hopefully I can bang it out by March/April because I don't want it to take nearly a year to end like FF4 did. If I keep updating Pixelmon, the series won't end till I either get bored of it or until the mod stops being updated and I eventually catch everything available, so basically it'll probably be around for a few more months at least. But yea that's it for now, next update will probably be the yearly Christmas one where I explain the lack of uploads around Christmas time, again.

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