Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pixelmon nearing its end, also new series?

Well I finally after literally 5+ hours of grinding in a jungle biome managed to get a legendary to spawn, but it wasn't a mew. Not gonna spoil what it was, you'll see when the video goes up. After moving to a completely different jungle however I did finally manage to have a mew spawn for me while I was clearing out the ground level shrubs in the area. Unfortunately I wasn't able to record commentary for catching the mew, but the other legendary has commentary for the catch. It should be noted that I recorded a 2 hour long session of Pixelmon during this search before any of these legendaries spawned in and because nothing happened during the whole session outside of a couple level ups and evolutions I'm gonna be completely editing out massive chunks of time from the session and just piecing together everything I've captured up to this point into one video because honestly since the update to Pixelmon 3.0 there's been almost no progress made towards the end goal of the series at this point, which is to show off everything implemented in the newest update including the new cloning machines (which require a Mew to work).

Some of you may recall my original plans for the series were to just kind of bullshit around and evolve a bunch of Pokemon and capture at least one legendary through the course of the series. Well I did achieve that a while ago which is why I hadn't done anything with the series in months until the new update released in March. As of typing this, I've now caught 3 of the 8 legendaries currently available in the mod (Lugia and Ho-Oh currently aren't implemented but will probably be a part of the next update, which will be based in Minecraft version 1.7 and not 1.6.4). So yea, unless the 1.7 release comes out within the month of April I'll probably be unofficially ending the series again until there's enough new updates to warrant rebooting it. There's really not much to do in the series at this stage of the mod as far as the single player experience goes outside of grinding and completing the Pokedex and otherwise just showing off the mod. Once again I don't know anyone who'd be willing to do multiplayer stuff with me and I'm not the kind of person who goes around asking everyone to do stuff with me unless I know them in advance. In other words, unless someone shakes an olive branch in my general direction, either through YT comments or Twitter (or some other means of contacting me) then chances are there's not gonna be a chance of any multiplayer stuff happening for the foreseeable future.

But yea outside of that I didn't get the right controller for Dark Souls yet so until I get that sorted out I'm probably not gonna record another session for the series. I still have literally 2 hours of my mod exploration series to go through and edit so it's ready to go up after I finish uploading the Dark Souls stuff (which should be up later tonight, kind of started the upload a bit late due to being busy watching my hockey team play themselves out of the playoffs in a blaze of mediocrity over the last 3 weeks). Excuses aside, I'll be sure to start uploading the next part early tomorrow so what's probably gonna happen is there'll be 2 episodes going up on technically the same day for most people who live in North America (or on this side of the world in general). Despite being 70% complete Youtube still tells me there's 200+ minutes on the upload (which is probably just a blatant lie and it's probably closer to 100 minutes since the upload timer gets kind of broken when I play pixelmon while uploading due to the way pixelmon sends and receives data).

I may also end my mod exploration series after the last session I recorded depending on whether or not I feel like returning to the mod. Honestly after doing almost nothing but Minecraft for a month I'm starting to feel myself getting a bit tired out from playing it again so I'm probably gonna be bringing back another series. I don't want to say FF7 is coming back because every time I start thinking of recording it I just get depressed due to all the hassle involved with recording that series in particular, so instead what's probably gonna happen is I'm probably gonna try something new. I might record one of the 30 or so PS2 games I've got randomly lying around my room, half of which I have never played and were given to me for free by one of my cousins who was clearing out her house to make room for stuff. In other words, a lot of them are probably no name crap games that probably weren't worth the full retail price at the time and were likely bargain bin junk within months after their release. I'll have to take a hard look at what I've got and decide then. I do have a handful of GameCube games as well that I may take some time to play (one of which I actually own on Steam, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle). I may just try to actually get some kind of a strawpoll set up and make a video about it and see what the fans want me to do, assuming anyone leaves a comment because typically when I've tried asking the viewers stuff in the past I've gotten no response to anything. Hopefully that doesn't happen this time because I think I'm probably just gonna do that. In other words, expect a video exactly like that at some point this week.

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