Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Found free godplayer internet, only it's on campus.

So yea the upload rate on campus is easily 10 times faster than what I have now. It literally took like 30 minutes to upload all the Chrono Trigger footage I had rendered, and only 12 minutes for one part of Minecraft. Basically this means I have SSoHPKC's upload speed available to me whenever I bring my laptop in for classes. Unfortunately I can't really record in a public building so that doesn't really solve the Killing Floor issue but it helps take some pressure off my internet limit since each video I upload is usually between 100-500MB, and if I upload like 3 videos a day that's usually gonna end up being anywhere between 500-1300MB just for uploads. Add the 1.5-2GB of videos I watch on average every day and that's basically 3GB a day, which on my current plan will only last me about 20 days. And this is without the Killing Floor. So yea taking out the uploads would definitely cut that down to around 2GB per day, which will last around 30 days give or take. I am looking into a better internet plan that offers more data per month to hopefully give myself even more room to play with but until then it looks like most of my uploading will be done on campus and if I really wanted I could set it up so that all my uploads are private and just make them public whenever I want to.

Oh yea and I'm probably gonna have no time to record next weekend due to thanksgiving weekend in Canada so I've got a week to stockpile as much footage for FF4 and Chrono Trigger as possible as well as possibly some Killing Floor and Minecraft. Maybe do some more stuff with SickTrick but the only time I'd be able to would be Mondays and I'm definitely busy next Monday for the Chrono Trigger special. We'll see though.

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