Saturday, December 24, 2011

Catching up on One Piece anime

Alright so as you can probably tell from the definite decline in number of posts per month, I've been busy with shit, such as that Minecraft server making me a mod (and then an admin), plus tests and exams and term papers and all that not so fun shit that comes with learning stuff. To prove my point I have a total of 2 posts so far for December, which is really shitty compared to my 7-8 in November and October, and even shittier compared to 30 in August. It's probably cause that massive post I had a few days ago wasn't split up into at least 2 separate posts like I probably should have done. So yea this post is kinda pointless but still.

Getting back on topic, I haven't had time to really watch One Piece because of my Youtube and Lp commitments, combined with my school and newfound Minecraft commitments. So yea I had to cut corners here and there to meet up with these commitments, which meant nearly abandoning finishing most of the mangas I'd started reading (until a few weeks ago when I finally had some more free time), and well as cutting out my weekly One Piece fix to allow for my weekend commitments to Minecraft and Youtube and recording shit. In hindsight I really should have cut back on my recording stuff for my channel a lot sooner than I did because I really had to pull a few all nighters to finish my school stuff on time, which honestly left me completely drained for some of the few things I did record (I'm sure you'll notice in Minecraft how my excitement levels just completely collapse in the last few videos, leading up to the finale where I basically abuse the fuck out of stuff for stress relief purposes, but I didn't upload the last 2 parts yet and haven't rendered part 100 cause I need to do some post commentary and make some edits here and there because I couldn't do any audio for the first part due to some jackass getting home early which pissed me off because I kinda just started recording literally as he came in so it's just complete fucking silence for the first 5 minutes until he leaves).

And now that I'm off topic again, I'm slowly catching up to the anime, and I have to say it is still one of the best paced anime I've seen. It really does follow the manga nearly panel by panel. Sure it takes a couple of liberties with the story a few times, adding in extra things that weren't there in the manga but expand on the manga without feeling out of place. It's filler that doesn't feel like filler, the best and in my opinion the only acceptable kind of filler (I'm sure some of you are familiar with the Naruto, Bleach, and even Dragon Ball Z filler stuff that was either completely terrible or just felt out of place).

So yea, there's that. Honestly I'm aware that the anime market in Japan is kinda stagnant at the moment, with several generic anime being released, as well as the butchery of established manga being released in anime form but with too many liberties being taken by the production company, transforming it into something with a completely different feel to it from the original work, though this isn't always a bad thing (the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime was pretty cool and interesting despite all the liberties that were taken to completely change the direction of the story, and also it was actually dubbed very well compared to most other anime at the time). Anime like Fairy Tail, Belzebub, and Toriko, are all shadows of the amazingness of their respective manga (Fairy Tail seems to have been made for the sole purpose of annoying me with the childishness of the main protagonists voice, Belzebub feels more like a gag anime than a fighting anime where in the manga it's a lot more focused on the fighting, and Toriko from what I've heard from people who managed to survive the first 3 episodes is filled with fillers and also the art style and voice acting does not seem to match the characters very well, especially considering there was an OST released of the first chapter a few months before the anime that had better art and voice acting by far in comparison to the anime).

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