Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Played some Killing Floor unrecorded for the first time in a long time

Title says it all. Logged a good 5 hours or so of gameplay in. Played as a medic for 4 rounds before changing to Berserker since we had another level 5 medic in the group that wanted points. The first round was actually a successful one on Ice Cave, where I spawned in on Wave 6 (I think) and helped this team made up of the server admins beat the Patriarch by providing some medic support. just so you know this was a level 4+ only server and it was actually being enforced for once since they were kicking any level 0-3's that joined. Honestly it kinda made me feel like a big shot playing with all these elite players for once. Not a single one of us died, even during the Patriarch. Unfortunately they all left after we won because it was probably late for them (since it was around 10:30pm for me when the first match ended. I continued playing on the server though, with all those level 0-3's that had been kicked who rejoined after the match ended. This is where it kinda became a bit of a mess.

We did at least make it to round 6 on every map we played after but no patriarch. We first started a game of Manor, that ended with me having to kite over 100 things and getting completely screwed over on the stairs going out of the one cave. I think that was wave 10, actually yea I'm pretty sure it was now.

Then a few of the noobs left and we played a game of MountainPass with only 3 people to start (me and two level 2's who kinda sucked, a lot). Thankfully some better players joined in after wave 2 and that got us to wave 7, where a miracle happened. As per usual, the fleshpound quickly disposed of the inexperienced and then proceeded to rape anything left standing. Because our only sharpshooter and support specs were level 2, this pretty much raped half the team. Then with 50 things left the berserker took on one too many scrakes and died due to being completely overrun by everything, leaving me and teh other level 5 medic to kite 4 scrakes, 6 husks, a couple sirens, and a ton of other shit. With 8 things left, (4 scrakes, 3 husks, and a bloat) the medic  rages one of the scrakes and then tries to finish it with his Scar. This fails and if charges me, where I somehow manage to headshot it and kill it before it gives me the gift of a brand new hole in my body. At this point I just book it around the map. Somehow in the confusion one of the husks begins attacking a scrake, and actually manages to kill it somehow, so now we have 2 scrakes. One of the husks gets glitched in a lamp post and cannot attack or move, giving me enough time to dispatch the bloat and the remaining husks. So now it's me and two scrakes, with no ammo boxes nearby, and only one clip of scar ammo, MP7 ammo, and MP5 ammo. I use what was left of the MP7 and MP5 on one of the scrakes, and he doesn't charge. I then check the Scar I picked up, reload it, and it only has 14 bullets. At this point I begin my marathon around the map in search of ammo, spectators cheering me on helping me search for armor or ammo. Then a miracle, they kill themselves O.O


Same thing happens on wave 8, only the other medic and the berserker (who changed to Firebug lvl 5) survive. We then proceed to wave 9 where once again the lvl 2's die almost immediately due to double fleshpound rape, and then we die because a third fleshpound dropped from the mountain cliff and proceeded to rape me against it along with a ton of clots and shit. The medic and firebug try to run but get mowed down by a squadron of sirens jumping the roadside fence as they are fighting their way by. I wish I had recorded my  most epic run so far but unfortunately I am not in a decent recording environment right now.

Then there's Westlondon, which goes to absolute shit on wave 6 due to teh team assumign that a level 5 medic with only an MP7 and MP5 can handle the backdoor to the tunnel. 4 Scrakes at the backdoor say I can't. After they tear me up they proceed to tell the team what a stupid fucking idea that was, in the most violent way they know how. Best part is I was telling them about the scrakes but it seems half the team is retarded and can't read because only the level 5 medic turned around to assist me. Thank you level 2 sharpshooter, who'm I gave $800 to buy a crossbow, you really showed them (he somehow died to a scrake before I did, fucking noob). in case you're wondering, it's the same sharpshooter from manor (and you know how well that went).

I didn't get too pissed off at the time, I'm actually more pissed now thinking about how fucking stupid some people are. Instead I decided to take matters into my own hands and defend myself from scrakes in the best fashion I know of, with a katana (because I still need lvl 5 berserker).

We return to ice cave for the final match, and trust me there will be no glorious death free win this time. I am actually the last to die on this one. The first 3 waves weren't too bad, we basically held off at spawn the entire time. Then comes wave 4, featuring the level 1 and 2 support specialists, who I have nicknamed Dumb and Dumber. There is one door by spawn, and they decided to weld it for welding points. Normally I'd have no problem with this, except that's all they did, for the first 3 rounds. Come round 4 their welding shenanigans is preventing other zeds from spawning, at which point I decide to grenade down the door every wave whenever stuff stops spawning. To be fair I did warn them first, but dumb and dumber aren't the brightest individuals in our group. that spot is reserved for the lvl 5 medic, the firebug/berserker guy, and me. To prove this point after the scrakes began appearing we were the only ones without any deaths until round 7 or so, when the medic died due to fleshpound face rape. We barely scraped by wave 7, with me and the firebug (who changed to support specialist to make up for dumb and dumber's antics) barely escaping the overrun spawn area thanks to me clearing a path with my katana, and we proceed to run around the map with 40 things left. This number was eventually reduced to 20, when the Fleshpound finally found the medic, who apparently had escaped through the other tunnel by spawn. Thankfully he had pretty much finished it off so only a couple of katana's to the face were required there. I finish that round with 4k cash, which I basically give to everyone who died. Then Wave 8 comes and the same chaos from Wave 7 reoccurs, only this time we aren't so lucky since the 3 less than bright individuals (including that level 2 sniper from manor who for some reason is still around despite somehow always having less kills than me as a medic) pretty much die within a minute, meaning we spend the rest of the round trying to run around the map until we're eventually trapped at spawn again and die due to excessive amount of sirens spawning in the escape route along with a scrake.

Thus ends this edition of my Killing Floor misadventures. I updated my killing floor stats thing so you can take a look at that if you want. I'm actually pretty close to 40% complete on Medic but I'm still about 1300 healing away from that mark so I left it at 35%. I did get another 10% closer to Berserker lvl 5 though. Unfortunately random grenades did not land me any closer to lvl 6 demo, so it stays at 50%.

I might play some more tomorrow just to keep myself from dying of boredom but I have absolutely no opportunity to record anything anytime soon. Then again I may also play some Oblivion or something. Depends on what I feel like playing.

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