Saturday, March 17, 2012

FF5 and Zelda stuff

Yea I know I've focused mainly on these two projects in conjunction with Skyrim lately. This is mainly because I don't feel like playing Terraria or Minecraft much right now. I know there's always Deus Ex but that's another game I haven't felt like playing recently. As of right now the plan is to pick up on Minecraft and Terraria once Zelda is finished (at this point it should be done in about 2-3 weeks). FF5 is gonna be more of a long term project and probably won't end till mid May at the earliest.

As far as videos going up, the last two parts I have for Zelda are going up now (parts 19-20). After that I literally have nothing left to put up so there may not be any videos on Sunday as a result of my busy weekend. Not much I can do about that but it's no big deal really, I'm sure you guys all have other people you're subbed to who can provide you with something to watch. I've got over 30 vids marked for watching later because I've been busy, and people like SSoHPKC have been upload spamming me for the last 4 days or so. Not that I mind the spam, but it's getting ridiculous to try and keep up with the 4+ hours of video added to my watch later playlist each day.

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