Saturday, June 16, 2012

All of FF5 rendered, will be all uploaded by next Sunday

First off, I uploaded 6 videos today just to get back on schedule with my original plan of 2 videos a day starting Thursday. I still have 8 parts of FF5 left, including the 40 minute long final part. So yea that'll be going up along with 1 part of Skyrim every day until then, at which point I'll probably switch over to Terraria. I figure since Skyrim is one of my most viewed series it only makes sense to upload one part a day until I run out of footage, considering that I've got a backup plan in Killing Floor (and 3 hours of some of the best and most productive footage I've ever gotten from it). So yea that means I don't have to render any more videos for a week, which makes me happy cause it took about 4 hours to render those last 11 parts.

As for my own personal dilemma with my watch later playlist expanding by the hour, I've managed to watch about 20 or so videos today, only to get another 14 or so added into the playlist so it's still hovering at over 50 videos. So yea progress on that front is going to take days, if not at least a week for me to finally get that back under control.

As for my health, in all honesty I feel better during the day than I do at night because sleep is not exactly easy at the moment, but probably 80% of the swelling is gone around my face so really it's just my lips and gums that feel swollen, and not the entire lower half of my face. So yea it is definitely easier to breathe and I don't have to snort as much nasal spray anymore just to not suffocate on my own mucus in my sleep (and trust me nasal spray tastes terrible so it's not fun to have to do that 1-3 times a day). My main problem now is just sleeping and the fact that it hurts to laugh because of the stitches pulling at the inside of my lips, so yea I can't really comfortably watch videos now either because if I laugh then I'm probably gonna rip a stitch or something so I've gotta really be conscious about that. Asides from that though I will probably be on to blended foods by the end of next week, and then finally on to softer foods. Liquids are alright but after a few days it starts to get a bit old. Good to know I don't have much longer to deal with those though.

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