Friday, June 22, 2012

FF5 schedule change

Quick change to the FF5 schedule, the final episode is now going up tomorrow (Saturday). because of this change, I'm gonna start editing and rendering the Terraria stuff tomorrow to get it ready to upload for Sunday. I'm not sure how many parts I have for Terraria but there's more than likely less than 10 parts left to go up so I may even be done with Terraria footage by next weekend. This means the return of Minecraft isn't too far away. I'm also gonna have to get more Skyrim rendered out because at this rate I'll be out of footage to upload by next Friday, and Skyrim takes a long time to render so I'll likely also try rendering that over the weekend since I won't be able to render next weekend. This also means I gotta render out some Minecraft before next weekend, so here's where all the rendering begins again. However, I'll be at the halfway point of my Hiatus by the first week of July (I hope), so hopefully I can talk normally by the end of July so I can record more stuff for you guys. I'm still only at about 80% as far as my overall feeling goes, but my voice is at probably 40% or less right now since I still can't feel my lips and with all the elastics and stuff in my mouth there's a lot of slurred words and mumbling and it just sounds terrible so I can't record with my voice right now. Hell I can barely understand what I'm saying when I talk and I know my mic only makes it worse so it'll sound super shitty. Either way lets just hope the next 4-5 weeks go by quickly, and hopefully I get maybe some killing floor organized with some of my steam friends when I feel good enough for gaming again.

Speaking of gaming, I got Dragon's Dogma for my fake birthday (which I had before the surgery so it didn't ruin my real one), and I have yet to even unwrap the game. So yea I gotta eventually open that up and start playing it. I still haven't played LOTR: War in the North, which I got for Christmas, either. I'm pretty bad when it comes to playing games I get, and I really do wanna get around to playing them at some point but I was busy with school and recording for the hiatus so I just never got around to it, and now the surgery, so I've got plenty of games sitting around that I can play.

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