Saturday, July 7, 2012

13 Killing Floor videos rendered and ready to upload

Yep, that's almost a full 2 weeks worth of videos. I've also got only 2 more videos of Skyrim ready to upload so I'll have to render out that final session sometime over the weekend as well. This means that I'll be done rendering everything I recorded in the second week of June by the end of the weekend. For those who are curious the last thing I recorded was Killing Floor, and that was all recorded on June 6th. Minecraft and the last Skyrim session were recorded June 5th, and Terraria and FF5 were both finished by the week before that one. So yea I haven't recorded anything in a month as of today. I'm really gonna try to get my voice in condition for recording soon but I still do slur quite a few of my words so in all honesty I'm not sure if I'll have anything to upload after I run out of footage.

As for the Killing Floor videos themselves, it was fairly smooth sailing rendering them all, until the very last video where for some reason some of the files got corrupted, which sucks cause that was the highlight of the whole session. However apparently I could still edit the footage using the program that came with the device I could use to record console stuff. This means that after editing it with a completely different program I was able to then get movie maker to read that edited video file and add the audio to that, so basically I managed to save the whole session. The reason I'm not using this other program instead of movie maker is because for one I'm unsure of whether or not it'll cause black screens when it's uploaded to Youtube (I haven't had any issues with black screens with movie maker so far so I'm sticking with the program for now), and also the fact that it took over half an hour just to render out that one video, compared to the 20 or so minutes that it normally takes for Movie Maker to do the same thing for Killing Floor videos. Either way I started rendering around 2:30pm and took an hour off for supper and a half hour for a shower, and it still took me till 10:00pm to finish rendering those videos. So yea I hope you appreciate those Killing Floor videos because I didn't even touch Dragon's Dogma today because I was so busy rendering stuff out. Once again you can see those videos starting to go out Saturday so enjoy them while they last.

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