Friday, July 6, 2012

Dragon's Dogma is awesome

Yep, so go buy it if you own a PS3/Xbox. If you already own it, you can find my pawn for PS3 users if you look for one named Seldare. I'm not sure if the pawn system crosses over both platforms or not but I doubt it so yea chances are it's only gonna be there if you're using a PS3 because I don't own an Xbox. Also by the way my PSN account apparently needs a password update and the email it sent to is a dead email address (because I haven't used it in 7 years and apparently they delete unused email addresses), so I've gotta go call up customer support to get that email sent to my real email so I can change my PSN password and then I can finally sync my trophy data. I'd just create a new account but then I'd have to alter my usual name and I'd lose all my trophy data (and I'm not playing FF13 for another 126+ hours to get all but one of the trophies again), so yea it looks like at some point I'll be calling customer support to get that issue resolved.

So yea that kinda killed the awesomeness of Dragon's Dogma a bit, so thanks for shitting on a good game for me playstation network. All kidding asides though, I played that game for 6 hours today and 3 hours yesterday, and I've probably made even less progress in that time than I did in the first 9 hours of Skyrim. It's gonna be a long game, but the combat physics are much more advanced than that of Skyrim while retaining the sheer massive size of the area you can explore. It's also hard, at times painfully hard, but as long as you know how to play with the class you choose then you have a huge advantage and will still probably die to a group of bandits who absolutely rape you because you went down the wrong path at the first real fork in the road, literally. The enemies vary from the average goblin and human stuff, to lizardmen, to fucking god damn giant ass dragons, cyclops, chimeras, and hydras. Oh yea, those things can one hit you if you don't know what you're doing, but I've already killed a couple cyclops that weren't quest related just for practice with fighting giant ass stuff. Basically the game is like Dark Souls mixed with Kingdom of Amalur, but with graphics closer to what you'd expect from Skyrim. With Skyrim combat kinda seems less interactive and more just mashing the mouse until stuff dies and occasionally blocking whenever you feel like it, but in Dragon's Dogma if you don't block when you can then more often than not you'll be pretty severely wounded (especially fighting the armored bandits), and with the larger enemies you can literally climb them, Shadows of the Colossus style, and then do all kinds of crazy stuff, like hitting a cyclops directly in the eye with a sword or severing a head from a Hydra. It's definitely worth a buy if you can afford it since it'll likely give over 50 hours of gameplay at least, probably closer to 100 depending on how much you wanna do with the game.

I'm really tempted to attempt to record this game but I'm not sure how great the framerate would be while recording this, and also I'm already 9 hours into the game and I don't feel like starting over again since character creation kinda pops up in between the prologue and the opening cutscene of the game and I don't wanna spend another 15 minutes creating a character. So you know what, go watch SSoHPKC's playthrough of the game and if you aren't convinced that it's a great game from the 5 or so hours he's done of the game so far then I don't know what'll convince you, granted he hasn't really made much use of the grappling mechanic in the game yet and he's avoided fights with most large monsters for fear of getting his ass kicked, which he is right to fear because once again the game is hard and you'd better save every 10-15 minutes or you may find yourself half an hour back in time since the auto save in the game is fairly sparse and there's no fast travel so you'd have to walk all the way back to wherever you died just to get back to where you died. No fast travel isn't entirely bad since you'll need the xp eventually anyways so don't worry too much about it, and yes you can mine and scavenge random stuff along the way too, including healing items (which you'll need a lot of so you'd best be keeping watch for them).

Also based on my current pace, expect Killing Floor videos to start going up Saturday since I've only got one part of Minecraft left to upload.This means I'll be out of stuff to upload by sometime around 2 weeks from today so hopefully I can record again by then, otherwise there's gonna be a bit of time with no videos. I'm still slurring words when I talk and I'm really hoping that goes away soon because asides from that and the numbness in my lower jaw I'm basically ready to record stuff.

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