Monday, July 23, 2012

5 of my top 10 videos are KF videos

Yep. I figured there'd be a few in my top 10 but literally half my most viewed videos are Killing Floor videos. In particular the welding tutorial I did is by far the most viewed video on my channel with over 600 views (compared to the 150 or so views of my second most watched video, which is the first episode I ever recorded of Killing Floor). Surprisingly Terraria got quite a few views as well, earining two spots in my top 10, along with 2 videos of Chrono Trigger and a video of FF4.

So what does this mean? Well ignoring my #1 viewed video (since it's a tutorial and would have gotten more views anyways), it means that people really seem to be drawn to my Killing Floor videos. It's a game that asides from SSoHPKC, not a lot of large channels play on a somewhat regular basis (granted Seamus only plays it once every 2 months at this point). So when a big name commentator with a huge audience isn't regularly making videos on a series that has fairly large following, they will eventually look elsewhere for footage. I seem to be getting a small bit of the runoff from that. I know quite a few people seem to have subbed to my channel exclusively for the Killing Floor stuff as well but I was still trying to establish myself more with Minecraft, Terraria, and  various RPG's back when I first started my channel so I never really focused exclusively on that. At this point I'd say that its time to start shifting my focus from covering a variety of games to beginning to specialize more towards a specific type of game.

I've always had a place for final fantasy like RPG's and ones that are more modern and interactive such as Dragon's Dogma and Deus Ex but at this point my main audience seems to really be into Killing Floor, which is a multiplayer shooter. Currently it's the only multiplayer game I am doing on my channel (asides from random minecraft multiplayer stuff that I do from time to time), and while I am aware of other multiplayer shooters I could do (like TF2 and L4D2), I don't own either game and I have no interest at all in TF2. As for L4D2, that's a game that's best played with a team of people who can communicate and know what they're doing. Obviously I don't have that. That's part of the reason I've avoided multiplayer games and also part of the reason why I love Killing floor, because with that game you really don't need others with you to succeed and you don't have to wait for servers to fill because it's still got an active online community and is fairly easy to find lobbies that actually have a few people in them. I could in theory also do CS:S, but once again I'm absolutely terrible at that game and I'd have to find a server that doesn't have copyrighted music or knife fights in it (because I'm ass bad at knifing). In other words, it's too much of a pain in the ass to record a video that shows how shitty of a CS:S player I am.

So basically what I'm gonna do because I don't want to lose the RPG element of my channel is this: I'm definitely gonna bump up the frequency of Killing Floor recordings to around twice a month. I'm also starting a relatively new shooter called Sniper Elite V2, which I should be able to record at some point before the end of the month. However, I will still be doing the Minecraft series I promised, and I'm still gonna be rebooting Deus Ex. Obviously I'm not gonna cancel FF6 either. So basically I'm gonna be shifting more attention on shooters than I have previously at the cost of not focusing as much on RPG's. This means there's not gonna be a reboot of Chrono Trigger (granted I'd love to play that game 3 times a year to be honest because it's so damn good), and I won't be redoing my FF4 series. I will probably redo both those series eventually but not until I actually have a large enough audience to warrant doing it. Once I hit around 5k subs or something then maybe I'll do it. Until then there's almost no point in bothering with it since for the most part half my subs were around when I uploaded the final episode of both series anyways so for half my subs it'll be the same shit as last year and I honestly don't want to bore half my sub base with what will basically be higher quality reruns. This also means that Oblivion is pretty much also out of the question until I finish up another project.

But what about the relaunch of Skyrim? I honestly don't know at this point because I feel that if I go back to Skyrim now that it'll only delay something else (probably Deus Ex again), and I want to avoid that at all costs. So I don't wanna say it's on hiatus yet but chances are it won't be seeing the 1 session a week that I had going for over 6 months. It might be a bi-weekly thing, I don't know yet it depends on how much time I have to record and whether or not I can bulk record for extended periods of time like I was when I was preparing for the hiatus. Sniper Elite won't take long so if I focus enough on that game then I probably won't have to worry as much about it.

Also my recording time is severely limited until Thursday so I may not be able to record anything new until then. If that is the case then there may be no videos uploaded from Tuesday-Thursday. Hopefully this isn't the case but you never know. I still have 2 parts of FF6 to upload and those are going up Monday so look forward to that.

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