Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Random update on stuffs

I'm definitely feeling better than I did a few weeks ago, and I think I can record something this week but I'm probably not gonna do anything longer than an hour. So yea Deus Ex probably won't be coming back until I can do 2-3 hour sessions. Chances are I'm gonna do some FF6 soon, but I've never played the game before so I honestly have no idea what I'd be doing in that game. Also I did test out the ROM I got for the game but it appears there's a bug with it and I can't cast spells on multiple targets, which means I'll be finding a different ROM because that's just too big of an inconvenience to deal with. So yea that's the status of that project which hasn't even started yet. Asides from that though I've still got work to do with Minecraft Hardcore to prep for the ender dragon, so yea I've got a bit of work before I can get started with that. This means that my only other option that I could do right away without much work would be Deus Ex and Killing Floor, but those are games that I normally spend 2+ hours playing at a time. This means that for a quick record my best option would be to just pull from one of several random SNES games I've got at my disposal that I could record. So yea I might just do something random for fun but asides from that I've really got nothing quick and easy to record. I could also look into maybe some random pc games that I've got on cd but in all honesty I never really played those games as much as console games growing up so I'd have to find something I'm kind of familiar with. 

Asides from that, I've kind of slacked off Dragon's Dogma a bit in the last few days, mainly cause of the trip to Toronto and having to render out those Skyrim videos kept me from playing the game much. Not to mention I was busy trying to finish reading a few books that I've been neglecting for a while. But I'm at a point in the game where there's only 2-3 quests left in the main questline so I've shifted towards mostly working on sidequests and notice board quests because the game is laid out in a way so that some side quests and notice board quests seem to disappear after certain points in the main quests. The game is nice enough to warn you when this is about to happen, but because of how I am with side quests it really lengthens the game greatly. Not to mention all the trophy whoring I'll be doing later on to get most of the trophies. Unfortunately most of the trophies for the game are hidden for some reason, so it looks like I'll have to look up how to get a good portion of them since I've already unlocked most of the non hidden ones.

As for the manga and anime portion of the blog title, I have recently caught up to both the Neon Genesis Evangelion and Billy Bat mangas, and both are worth taking a look at. Most people who are into anime stuff are familiar with Neon Genesis and have probably watched and enjoyed it quite a bit. I never really watched past episode 3 because I was really too busy to watch anime when I began watching it so I kind of just forgot about it over time until I found out it had a manga. From my understanding, the manga did precede the anime but due to the slow release rate of the manga, the anime quickly outpaced it and ended years ago while the manga is still ongoing to this day. However, the story is mostly the same. There are differences which is to be expected, but they aren't as drastic as they are with other series (for example, the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime). It does definitely feel slightly dated, and you can tell it's a 90's anime/manga, but that doesn't detract at all from the overall experience. If you have watched the anime I'd highly suggest checking out the manga, because despite being ongoing it is nearing its end and I'm sure fans of the anime would appreciate some more closure to the series. However, keep in mind you're lucky to get more than 2-3 chapters a year with this series, so it'll probably be a couple years before it finally ends.

As for Billy Bat, it is the latest work from renowned manga artist Naoki Urasawa (who's works include 20th Century Boys, Monster, and Pluto). Billy Bat is greatly different from what I'm used to in a manga, let alone a manga from Urasawa, as it follows a Japanese American comic artist named Kevin Yagamata during the post WW2 era who is drawing Billy Bat as a weekly American comic. However, Kevin begins to suspect that he may have unconsciously plagiarized Billy Bat based on a wall mural he saw in Japan so he takes a trip there to find answers. Pretty much everything that happens after that point I couldn't possibly talk about without inadvertently spoiling major parts of the plot. However I will say that what he finds goes far beyond just his weekly comics and affects either directly or indirectly other prominent people in history. I usually don't like to spoil too much but I will say this, he discovers that the bat he draws is more than just a cartoon character, but that it is something which has witnessed past events and can foresee future events, and thus as he draws his cartoon he inadvertently ends up drawing future events. Of course since we're talking about Urasawa here he's not gonna pussyfoot around with this situation he's created and he's shaped it into something that interprets some of the most iconic moments in American History in a completely new way. Time does progress quite well in the manga as well so as it continues the characters gradually age and move through history, and this includes (and this is a pretty big spoiler) the Kennedy assassination. Yep, the bat predicted it and it was illustrated through Yagamata's drawings. I wouldn't exactly call it controversial since it is clearly just a fictional story, but it definitely puts a new twist on American history and you'll find yourself at the edge of your seat waiting to see whether or not the course of history would be changed and the assassination prevented, and that's not even the half of it. Doing something of this scope takes balls, and honestly I think that this is by far the most ambitious of Urasawa's works so far, and by the end it could very well be his best work. I definitely recommend giving it a read, but understand that new chapters only come out around once a month and this is the kind of story best read volume by volume rather than chapter by chapter so you may want to wait until it's finished but either way it's definitely what I'd call a must read.

So yea hopefully that appeases the manga people who read this since I know I haven't done a manga review in a long time. Doing this reminds me that I should also eventually review I Am A Hero, since Zombies seem to be becoming ever more popular today with all the drug induced face eating going around. I've been reading it for a while, since last fall actually and I'd say by far it's the best zombie related manga I've read but I'll go into more detail later on since this post is starting to drag now.

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