Wednesday, August 15, 2012

4 maps down, 7 to go

Yep I just knocked out Biohazard, Suburbia, Mountain Pass, and Departed today. I now only need to complete 7 more maps on normal and then I'll never have to lower myself to that level ever again. Through playing normal mode I've also gotten a good jump on killing 100 fleshpounds with the AA12 and only need to kill 34 more to get that achievement. I probably would have had it by now if I bothered with the AA12 when I was leveling up my support specialist but I was having too much fun with the hunting shotgun. This puts the achievement total at 106 right now.

I suppose I should also say that I did record about 2 and a half hours of Killing Floor on Monday and an hour of Minecraft today so once those are rendered they will be going up. The Killing Floor is probably gonna start going up Friday since my brother is livestreaming more frequently now and with the internet speed here you can't stream and upload from different computers on the same connection or the speed will be complete shit. As a result I have dropped my uploads to 2 videos a day again unless I find an opportunity to get around the 2 or so hours it takes for any video that isn't Final Fantasy 6 to upload (FF6 usually only takes 30-45 minutes a video thankfully so if I can record more of that I can go back to 4 videos a day if I upload early enough).

I'm actually not very happy with the way the Killing Floor recording turned out but I did get level 6 medic so I kind of have to post all 2 and a half hours of it. My main issue is I just completely raged out on a bunch of people for the first hour or so of the recording, and then I had to take a 30 minute break and when I came back to record the last hour and a half the commentary just got really shitty towards the end due to exhaustion from raging for a full hour earlier and also the fact that I played Killing Floor for 2 and a half hours just to get the 900 healing points I needed to level up. I'm probably never gonna play as a medic again after this unless it's a good choice for suicidal difficulty because honestly that was just stupidly slow to level up and you lose so much damage from playing as a medic that I honestly don't think it's worth it.

As for the Minecraft recording it was going well until about an hour in when I started feeling the effects from yesterday's ragefest so I had to just cut it short before I got into any real mining stuff. Still not sure what to do for next session but I'll probably begin working on something to do with enchanting because I plan to search for diamonds while I'm doing prep work this time because at this point I need diamonds for pretty much everything that I want to do. I was originally considering building a large library as a project but bookshelves are so damn hard to get now that it's honestly too damn tedious to bother with.

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