Wednesday, August 1, 2012

More KF achievement progress

Tonight I had the most productive session of Killing Floor in a while. I managed to get the map achievements for Departed, Hellride, and Hospital Horrors. As usual only about one of these maps happened because of skill, the other two were mostly luck. Departed was a damn close call because the pipe trap failed and I only had enough money to buy a LAW but not enough to fill the ammo so when I ran out of missiles I was basically done and died shortly afterwards. It basically came down to a 1 on 1 between a level 5 demo and the patriarch, and obviously the level 5 demo won by managing to land 3 LAW's before the patriarch got too close to him. Hellride was just pure coincidence, because I spawned in at the end of wave 10. From there we basically had 4 sharpshooters and 2 medics with sniper rifles and we just basically used headshots until he finally died. Honestly it's only the second time I've seen the patriarch of the 5 times I played the map so that's basically why I consider it a lucky achievement, even though I did land the killing blow on him and all my shots were headshots. Hospital Horrors though was a great team effort. You really need a team of people who know what they're doing to survive this map. Fortunately I had a team of 5 people set up and actively communicating with each other and as a result we managed to survive to wave 10 and then using the resources available with the far trader distances we managed to defeat him without a demolitions class using only support specialists and sharpshooters. I honestly didn't manage much against the Patriarch asides from maybe a couple headshots and a lot of body shots but we still had the force to beat him and finally get that achievement. This map is without a doubt the hardest I've played since Evil Santa's Lair and it's been a long time coming for me getting this achievement. Beating Bedlam was great, but this map is the harder map and I'd played it a lot more often so the reward was just so much greater.

For those who are wondering what maps I have left to beat for achievements on Hard mode? I'm now down to just Wyre, Crash, and Icebreaker. I will more than likely manage to get those before the end of summer, which means that I may soon be moving up to suicidal difficulty to attempt other achievements (as well as possibly downgrading to normal for the remaining normal mode achievements). If I clear the normal and hard map achievements, that's basically half the map achievements gone right there so really I'm at this point around 20-25% done with map achievements. I know the suicidal and hell on earth ones will take much longer to get but that's still a pretty solid dent considering most people who play this game don't get more than half the total achievements.

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