Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lots of Minecraft recorded, and some FF6 as well, and also planning stuffs

Yea I've got 3 sessions of Minecraft to render out, the third one is a big 2 and a half hour long session that I recorded yesterday as I was trying to finish off the winter village. Actually the village is basically done as far as the buildings are concerned, all I really have left is my own personal house within the village and possibly adding some kind of a security checkpoint or a watchtower of some sort for the village but asides from that I'll probably have the winter village built before 1.4 comes out. Now with the release of Minecraft 1.4 being Wednesday, there's no way I'll have uploaded those 3 sessions before it is released so I won't really have anything for the release, but I've kind of got a plan for some kind of a Halloween special involving the new update that I'll try to prepare and upload around Halloween.

I've already got plans for a Killing Floor Halloween special that I'll likely be recording sometime in the next week so I may just create a Halloween special playlist for these two specials. Really right now these are the only two specials planned on my channel for Halloween, but I may decide to do a Skyrim special on Blackreach and just go through it for an hour or so, like I said I would back when I first went through it. I'll probably look up some of the stuff that can be done within Blackreach ahead of time so I don't spend an hour looking at walls for no reason. So yea now I've got 3 specials that I'll be recording in the next week or so just for you guys.

Now as for FF6,  I just got Cyan, Mog, and Umaro in our party. Still not sure how much more of the game is left but we still need to find Locke, Strago, and Relm and with the stuff I have recorded I've easily got up to at least part 90, meaning that this will be the first Final Fantasy game on the channel that breaks 100 parts because I seriously doubt I'm within 2 hours of beating the game. Usually the map change signifies the halfway point of these games so with that in mind I'll guess that I'll probably be finishing this game somewhere around 130 parts. So yea this series is gonna be my second longest series on my channel by the time it's over. I probably won't finish this game till December if I keep going at this pace, but I'm gonna have to slow my pace for school work so I wouldn't plan on seeing the end of this game until Christmas at the very least.

The other thing I'm kind of concerned about now is how doing these specials is going to affect my regular uploading schedule, because it'll start to eat away at my backlog of footage. I may have to go back to 2 uploads a day every day instead of the 3 uploads on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends (which I only put in effect because of the backlog). I'm not too worried about Minecraft stuff but for FF6 in particular, I may have to stop the one video a day that I've managed to maintain for well over a month at this point. It's not a huge deal since it's not my most popular series by a longshot but still it's one of my favorite ongoing series (otherwise I wouldn't be doing it at this rate). This also means that Deus Ex is gonna get pushed back even further from being finished because I won't be recording it next week so I have time to work on those specials. I'm still probably 4-5 sessions from finishing it and I've basically done a session every 2-3 weeks so far since the reboot so at my current rate it won't get done till early 2013 unless I really focus on it for a few weeks. I may just not record any more Minecraft for a while since I do have a backlog of it to fall back on and instead replace my Minecraft sessions with Deus Ex. That's probably the best course of action at this point if I hope to finish it before 2013.

However with that being said, doing all of this is a lot of work and I'm still going to University and with two term papers, a case study, and a review article all due within the next 30 days I'm gonna have to make sacrifices here and there just so I can get my University work done in time. Those of you who have been with the channel for over a year will remember the days without uploads from October to December last year, and this year the same could happen again depending on how I manage my time. I've tried to get a backlog of stuff just to have something to fall back on so I can go a week or two without recording but that may not be enough, so don't be surprised if I don't upload something for a day or two. For every hour I record something I usually also have to spend 1-2 hours rendering it, so I really put up to 3 times more time into stuff than what you guys will see. If you do the math, you'll quickly realize that with 8 hours of sleep in a day and with about 1-2 hours of my day dedicated to eating and cooking food, that I've basically used up a quarter of my day every time I record for an hour, and if I have classes that's usually another 3-6 hours of my day so really I have maybe 3-4 hours of free time to do stuff every day I record for an hour. However because of limited recording time I can only record on certain days, and those are Mondays and Saturdays, and I record around 3 hours of stuff on Mondays and around an hour on Saturdays. So basically that's gonna be up to 8 hours of rendering each week minimum, which is a bit over an hour of rendering a day. If I have time to record outside of the usual times I always try to make the most of it, so for the last few weeks I've managed to get an extra two hours of recording in there, which suddenly becomes 12 hours of rendering, which now brings it closer to 2 hours of rendering a day. As you can see, I'm basically losing 2 hours a day at my current rate, and that's not good when you've gotta write papers and stuff, so those extra recording sessions are gonna be the first to go to accommodate for school work. That'll free up a total of 4 hours of my week to focus more on the 4 papers I need to write. Really it comes down to having a really solid plan when you're trying to balance school and recording. Having an extra 4 hours a week to do stuff can definitely save your ass when it comes to getting stuff done on time (especially when my two biggest papers will not be accepted after the due date without a legitimate reason).

Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm gonna have to cut back on stuff I like doing just to get the stuff I need to do out of the way. This also means that I've got to accept that my plans to finish certain series in November were clearly short sighted  and will have to be changed to adapt to the reality of my situation. I usually tend to overestimate what I can do by a lot and then get depressed when I don't meet my goals, kinda like what happened last year with FF4 taking until February to complete because I just didn't feel like recording anything in November last year. But yea I've got more experience with this now and I'm better with time management so I should be fine if I can make the changes I need to make and just focus on getting things done one at a time rather than trying to do everything at once (and stupidly taking on extra projects like an idiot like I did with Amnesia last year, there was no way in hell I was gonna finish that game by Halloween when I started it the week before Halloween and yet I stupidly tried anyways).

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