Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekend plans

Well I was planning to possibly record either more FF6 or Deus Ex on Saturday but because my family has decided to visit tomorrow I won't be recording anything this weekend. Instead I'll probably just be spending most of the weekend grinding up for stuff in FF6, or attempting to make more progress in Borderlands since I haven't played it in a week and only got to level 22 or so. Not sure how much more of the game there is but I'd imagine I'm a bit less than half done the game.

As for Final Fantasy 6, I think I'm gonna grind up Gau, Relm, and Strago because the walkthrough I'm using emphasizes their usefulness later on and I figure that the game could throw another one of those group activity things at me where I'd need to form 3 groups instead of 2 so being able to fight effectively with all my characters would help a lot. So yea I may as well learn how to efficiently use all my characters.

I played a few hours of Killing Floor last night just to hunt those Halloween achievements while I could. I did manage to unlock the ones required for the Reaper costume, and I assume the rest can be gotten at any time.  I also got time to play around with the new scythe weapon, which is probably one of my favorite melee weapons even though it's slower than the katana. It is probably the strongest melee weapon in the game, but it's probably one of the slowest. However it can hit multiple targets at once so you can very easily mow down whole crowds of Zeds and take minimal damage at higher levels because of the increased movement speed allowing for better dodging. It also does enough damage to stun Scrakes but it is slower so one missed swing will result in a chainsaw to your gut.

The flare pistols are also nice as it packs a pretty nice punch and deals fire damage within a small blast radius of impact but the setback is it only has 6 rounds per clip (granted it can hold a lot of clips). I'd probably use it instead of the MAC10 just for the fact that it has less recoil than that damn gun but you lose the fire rate so honestly I'd say the flare pistol isn't that much better than the MAC10 in the long run. Actually after looking at damage charts the MAC 10 is still probably the better choice if you set it to single fire mode as the flare pistol needs frequent reloads and the fire rate is low, plus the damage isn't that much greater.

The Tommygun is something I used only in the Killing Floor Special I recorded last Saturday, and I like it over the AK47 just because of the reduced recoil. I don't think it's as strong as the AK, but honestly that doesn't matter to me since you'd be using a SCAR or FN-FAL for big stuff anyways, plus reduced recoil means increased accuracy and as a result increased headshots (which deal double damage) so just based off that I'd say the damage output is better in the long run. I might actually use it to replace the Bullpup when I play as a commando class, though I'd probably end up missing that 50 bullet clip size after a while so it would probably be best to stick with a Bullpup just to have the extra ammo.

As for the Buzzsaw Bow, it's alright and has the ability to penetrate multiple targets and ricochet off walls, and you can pick the sawblades back up if you can find them on the ground. It's not as powerful as the M99 (doing only 1000 damage at level 6 berserker compared to the over 3000 damage of the M99 at level 6 sharpshooter), so it's usefulness against the Patriarch is questionable at best. For narrow hallways though it's very effective in quickly cutting down large groups of zeds, so this is the weapon for you if you play a map like Doom2 or Biotics Lab and you need Berserker experience for level ups.

Well all this talk about Killing Floor has made me want to play it some more, so I might go out and play it a bit more tonight just for fun, and for practice with the new weapons. As far as the DLC weapons go, I'd get them while they're on sale just for the scythe, the other weapons aren't really that great in comparison to other weapons that already exist in the game. Either way I'll likely be recording Deus Ex on Monday, and maybe also some Final Fantasy 6. After all, I'm never gonna finish Deus Ex unless I record it pretty much every week or two.

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