Tuesday, December 25, 2012

About those Christmas specials...

Yea the Killing Floor one got messed up by my editing program, and the Minecraft one really isn't that impressive. Maybe I'm being a bit hard on myself but honestly by the standards of most big commentators, my specials are pretty shitty in comparison. I guess this is as far as I can go using my current setup, with less than optimal recording conditions, not much better than basic recording equipment, and a pretty slow upload speed for my internet connection. So yea it's pretty apparent now that I'm in need of improving in all three of these areas to even hope to compete with big names out there like Chimneyswift, Seananners, Eatmydiction1, SSoHPKC, and a lot of others.

As I've said before I can't really do much to improve my recording setup unless I get a job and get enough money to get my own place and buy better internet, but getting a job would  definitely cut back on the amount of recording time I have currently, and I'm still going through University so really it's not much of an option right now. Once I'm done with University I'll likely be getting a job somewhere and getting my own place where I can do whatever I want whenever I want but until then I really can't do much with my recording setup. The quality of the internet might be fixable, but it honestly depends on the cost and who would cover them. I'd rather not pay a bunch of money a month for a decent upload speed, which is why I've been putting up with my current speed. It's not really a huge issue but if I ever do upload stuff in HD it'll definitely make uploading those videos a lot quicker. I am though seriously considering better software for rendering and editing videos, after the whole Killing Floor special failure caused by my editing program deciding it wasn't gonna work properly for some reason. Because I use a laptop I really can't do much to improve the hardware so I'm pretty much stuck with what I have until I get a real computer, but that will cost a pretty big amount of money for a decent one that'll last a while and can handle gaming and recording.

But yea asides from my problems there, I suppose I should wish you all a merry christmas or whatever you guys celebrate, hope you had a decent holiday season.

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