Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ace of Spades

Yea I bought it today for fun and it's a pretty fun little multiplayer FPS. I only tried the team death match mode so far but it's pretty cool. Some of the maps are kinda crappy but asides from that I had fun with it, and won about half my matches of the 10 or so I played. I got the achievement for a 5 kill streak in my first match of the game, so I guess I do have some kind of skill with the game considering my ping was a measley 128 (granted it seemed to jump from 120-300 randomly every now and then). Then again I only tried out the sharpshooter class and for the most part played a support sniper role, in that I ran out into no man's land and established some kind of a block wall or something to help people move up while I provided covering fire. It kinda worked on that one snow map I played but that strategy is kinda useless on other maps so really it comes down to knowing the map and knowing where to build strategically. There is apparently a block limit on how many blocks you can place, I'm not sure if this limit just resets after dying or if it resets after your blocks are destroyed, but I seemed to only notice being able to build again after death. Either way you can still place somewhere around I'd say 15-20 blocks before hitting that limit. The limit itself is probably based on the actual block units and not the build structures, so for block units I'd imagine that limit is probably around 100, which is likely a better estimate. I could wiki this stuff but honestly it doesn't really matter much.

But yea playing as a sniper reminded me a bit of back when I used to play CoD: MW2 about 4-5 years ago. I didn't particularly like MW2 since half the maps felt like they were built for snipers only and the shotgun had little to no use in multiplayer matches unless you camped corners with it (which is stupid), so that kinda contributed to my dislike of that game. I can't really say I hated it though since if anything it taught me how to be a better sniper (through many rage inducing hours of playing the multiplayer). The problem is I kinda got used to camping in that game and honestly that really bugged me because for one if you're just sitting in the same general area the whole time it gets boring, and the other thing is I was using a sniper rifle, and that thing is worthless in close range combat so basically I had to play super stealthy, which once again isn't really a bad thing but it really slowed the pace of the games and it just wasn't as fun as the original Modern Warfare. I did snipe a bit in the original game, but not nearly as much as I did in MW2 (I think I maybe used a sniper rifle on maybe 2-3 of the MW maps, compared to around 6-8 of the MW2 maps). Part of that could also be the nerfing of the M16 (the burst fire one, because I loved that damn noob gun regardless of what people say). First off you didn't even unlock it until level 40 in MW2, which at first I thought made sense since it's pretty powerful, but then they reduced the damage output of it and it honestly became pretty crappy as it was no longer a 1-3 burst kill on anything but instead a 2-4 burst kill. This doesn't seem like much but if you were good enough you could kill stuff in 2 bursts, but the nerfing made it so that you needed to have the best accuracy known to man to get a kill in 2 bursts (in other words get lucky), so yea that pissed me off.

Well getting back on track, Ace of Spades is actually pretty cheap on steam right now if anyone is interested in a multiplayer FPS with different gameplay modes (including zombies), that lets you build and destroy the environment as you fight to create and eliminate cover spots. Basically it's Minecraft meets CoD multiplayer, but not really. It's an independent game made using the Voxel engine if you want the boring not descriptive description of the game. Basically shoot stuff and break blocks, minecraft with guns, etc etc... you get the point. It's also $10 or so and it's pretty cool.

Will I be doing any videos of this game for my channel? I'm not sure. If there's a high demand for it then yea I'd have no problem doing a few matches for youtube, but I don't really get many requests for games to play so really I'm not sure if I'll ever record it. I know Eatmydiction1 and his various associates/friends are already doing videos on this game as well as probably about a hundred no name commentators (like myself, expect I'm not doing the game, yet, maybe). So yea it's not like the game isn't getting any publicity or anything. Then again I hardly play that many new games anyways since I've kinda developed a habit of not buying new games until I've heard some good stuff about them (probably started around the time I started high school where for some reason I just lost interest in most new games for reasons that still elude me). However I do still enjoy playing games so it's kinda weird I guess. I suppose if we go back to before I started the whole Youtube thing I mostly was replaying games I had either beaten before or had never beaten to either achievement whore for some reason, or to attempt to beat them. I have well over 100 console games from my childhood for various consoles and I can tell you I've probably played about 75% of them but I've probably only beaten around 50% of them, and of those I've probably only fully completed about 15% of them. So yea I guess I kinda got more wrapped up in beating games I'd never really fully finished than trying new games, and I guess that's probably where that comes from.

Needless to say that's kinda translated to my Youtube stuff, where since January asides from Skyrim the only games I've played on my channel that were new to my channel were FF5, FF6, Sniper Elite V2, and Borderlands (I'd say A link to the Past but I technically started my channel with 5 shitty quality uploads of that game). So yea in one year I started 4 new projects, and only 2 are done so far, and I'm only planning on finishing one of the other two (take a guess which one). Hell, Skyrim is still ongoing too and I started that in early January 2012. None of those games are really new games (Skyrim is already over a year old at this point, and Sniper Elite is over half a year old as well, but I started it 3 months after release). So yea really asides from Sniper Elite I've played nothing that came out in 2012 for my channel. I have played Dragon's Dogma but even that game hasn't been touched in about 3 months since it's the PS3 version and that's with my brother and my parents while I'm going to University, so it's kinda hard to keep interest in a game you can't physically play. So yea of all the games that came out in 2012 I only own 4 at this point, one's for PS3 and likely won't ever be recorded, and the other 3 are Sniper Elite V2, Borderlands 2, and Ace of Spades. I know people are gonna suggest I try other games, but I refuse to play sequels until I've played the previous installments for both story and continuity reasons, so there goes all the 2's and 3's that were released this year asides from Borderlands 2.

I kinda feel that I was making a point about something but at some point I forgot what my point was, so I leave you with this: Never write when you're slightly drunk. No seriously, you end up with about 2 informative paragraphs and 3-4 paragraphs of rambling about nothing that anyone cares about, like this one. For a real concluding statement, refer to paragraph 3 where I tell you to look into buying Ace of Spades, cause it's pretty cool.

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