Saturday, December 22, 2012

Another year another Christmas lull in activity

Yea my blog tends to die around Christmas as a result of me being busy with stuff, so here's an update for those of you who want one.

Killing Floor is happening, trust me on this one. Part 114 should be going up within the next 20 minutes, and part 115 should be going up sometime around Christmas, probably either the 24th or 25th depending on a lot of different things. I may upload it on the 23rd instead, it depends on how things turn out. It will be another hour long special (and I edited out around 40 minutes of my footage just to try and keep it more action packed, otherwise both videos combined would have been a bit over 2 hours long).

Borderlands is my latest LP, and I have up to part 22 recorded. I still need to render parts 17-22 but those parts will likely be going up sometime next week.

Minecraft as you may have noticed has gone up for the last couple of days, but I'm out of footage for it now. I do have a Christmas special for it recorded and ready to go up on the 24th though.

Deus Ex is once again on indefinite hiatus until I record more of it. It seems every time I fight a boss in that game I just kind of lose interest in the game. I didn't intend to go 2 months without anything new for that series but that's the way it just sort of happened. Now that I've got Borderlands and soon Borderlands 2 and a third project on my list of things to do chances are you won't be seeing the end of Deus Ex anytime soon.

Sniper Elite V2 is still on indefinite hiatus until I suddenly get the urge to play it again. I might do a highlight type thing with it instead of an LP because I really don't like the way that first session went either.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is gonna be a highlight type project that'll likely be starting after the holidays. I'll be  doing random missions from the game attempting to get an A ranking to get all 180 emblems, which is something I'm already 3/4 of the way through doing on my own but there's a lot of hard missions left to do and they'll be rage inducing fun, much like about 10 of the missions I've done on my own time.

As for the Final Fantasy series, it's on hold until I finish doing Borderlands and Borderlands 2 because I don't have the time to record 5 series at once.

So, how do I plan to get all of this stuff done? Well I'm over 25% done with Borderlands as of my last session, since I'm pretty sure that meeting Tannis is a solid halfway point for all the quests if you do all the side quests leading up to that mission, and I'm probably 3 sessions from that point. Minecraft and Killing Floor also never end so realistically I won't finish anything till probably mid February at this rate. That includes both the Sonic and Sniper Elite highlight idea projects, if I only do one of them at a time. So yea what's likely gonna happen is I'll only start Borderlands 2 after I finish the first one and I'll only do one highlight show at a time, meaning that I'm basically filled up on stuff to do until May 2013. This is part of the reason why I don't do new games, because with the other stuff I'm doing I honestly don't have time to start something new, and hell Borderlands 2 is likely gonna be half a year old before I record any of it for my channel at this rate.

On the lighter side of things, I'm probably gonna spend Christmas with family and just relaxing around and playing a bit of stuff for fun instead of for recording (and trust me there is kind of a difference after you've been recording for over a year and a half like I have). What I mean by that is that it feels more like some kind of a chore or a job (granted I make no money from it), instead of it really feeling like a game. Hell if anything it makes me feel like I can't play it if I'm not recording unless I set up a different world or save file or something, which really sucks. The one exception of this is Killing Floor, but I still felt bad if I leveled up off screen so really it kind of traps you into your recording schedule, which for me is really crappy because I don't have nearly as much free time to record as I'd like to have. It's something that I didn't really foresee when I started this but honestly it could be worse, I guess.

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