Sunday, December 2, 2012

Random update on random stuff

Well ever since I recorded the end of Final Fantasy 6 I have not found the time to record anything else. as a result I'm completely out of stuff to upload for the first time since the middle of summer. it's really been caused by my sleep schedule getting completely messed up in the last week or so causing me to sleep through Monday's recording session and then me just losing track of time on Saturday and not recording anything then either. My brother is now also gonna be living with me for the next few months as he got a job in the area and needed a place to stay. This isn't really affecting my recording schedule too much (at least not yet), but that's also gonna factor into my recording times being weird. Thankfully this is my last week of classes at University so I should have a lot more free time soon, but recording time is still gonna be pretty limited as usual. However me having more free time should definitely help me set up recording stuff since I'll have a lot more time to prep for episodes.

I am still planning on doing Borderlands and Borderlands 2, not sure when I'll start recording for it but it could be as early as tomorrow assuming all goes well. I also have kind of an idea of maybe recording some Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, but it won't be a full game playthrough if I do since I've beaten it already and I'm mostly working on getting the 180 emblems (which for a kids game is ridiculously hard to do considering how unforgiving some of the stages are as far as getting an A rank goes). If anything I'll probably just record myself raging at that game for an hour and see where it goes from there. I did get 180 emblems before on the gamecube version so it's not like it's my first time doing it, but I also remember it taking most of my summer to do (and this was only 3-4 years ago when I did it). So yea I do have stuff that I should start recording for sure.

As for the whole anime/manga review part of the site, I kind of stopped doing that a while ago since honestly I find there's not much point to it seeing as this blog is now mostly for my youtube and gaming stuff. I'll probably take that part out of the title of my blog soon, if not tonight.

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