Sunday, January 27, 2013

Borderlands 2 and Dark Souls

So yea, I did finally finish my first playthrough of Borderlands 2 with an assassin class, after about 50 or so hours of gameplay. Yea I kind of went all out searching for stuff my first time through and getting badass ranks and such so yea, I ended my first playthrough with well over 8000 badass rank (and it's the only character I played on). I've just started my second playthrough and only 2 and a half hours in but I'm already back in Sanctuary (about twice as fast as I did on my first playthrough actually). So yea if that's any indication I spent a lot of time screwing around on my first playthrough looting stuff and going for random badass ranks. However that's not the big news of the day, the big news is I've officially recorded the first part of my Borderlands 2 co-op playthrough. I decided to do it with my brother since he hasn't beaten the game yet (he's only played about an hour in actually so it's no big deal for him to just restart from scratch), and because we're living together since he's found work near where I go to University it's a lot easier to schedule stuff to do together. I will say that he does livestream stuff and he will probably be livestreaming his sessions that he does with me instead of recording them and he has a group of his friends that he always talks with while livestreaming so he's kind of having his own conversations half the time which is kind of weird but whatever, I'm just happy to be doing a real co-op playthrough of something.

We are gonna be recording this pretty much every Sunday for 1-2 hours until we finish the first playthrough. I'm not sure if he'll be up for a second playthrough since it's easily a 15-20 hour long game depending on how many side quests you do and he's got other things that he could do for his livestreams, but this means that I'll be doing both Borderlands 1 and 2 on my channel simultaneously because I have no intention of stopping my Borderlands 1 playthrough because of this. The first session we recorded was only about 50 minutes long because our internet died so I'm just gonna upload that as one video. I'm hoping future videos will be better quality but that's just the way it worked out. I also did not record the opening slideshow of the game because for some reason the video and audio always desync in that cutscene on my laptop, but when it cuts to the actual cinematic stuff it's completely fine, which is really weird because you'd think that would be the thing to have sync issues if anything but whatever. All you need to know is a train picks up vault hunters, train is booby trapped to kill vault hunters, vault hunters do some badass stuff, train blows up, and we end up stranded on some frozen island with our old friend, Claptrap. That's basically all there is to say about that.

Now moving on to something a few of you may have seen today, I finally got around to loading up Dark Souls, and after fighting with windows live to create an xbox account (which for some reason you need to play the game), and then installing the up to date version of their live console, I finally got to the main menu of the game. After checking out the keyboard controls, I quickly realized why it highly recommends using an Xbox controller, and that's because it's a keyboard only game, meaning stuff is mapped super weirdly. I don't know about you guys but having parry's mapped to tab is probably not a good thing, so I thought I'd just map it to my mouse, only to realize that the game doesn't actually support a mouse. Lucky for me my brother has an xbox controller that he bought for the PC version of borderlands that we have, otherwise I'd probably never play this game. I'd still have to set that up with my computer though but I don't feel like doing all this work just to launch the damn game so I'm gonna probably just set it up some other time and maybe then I'll have better luck. As some of you can probably guess I did indeed only become interested in this game after watching SSoH start his playthrough of it and seeing how much he just completely kicked ass at the game, which is odd considering he's probably the last person you'd expect to be good at a game that's rumored to be so damn hard. I've also seen Diction and Nova attempt the game and they both failed pretty hard at it (mostly Nova but that's because he plays like a retard for everything), and their points of view didn't really make the game look that great, but Seamus just makes the game look like some kind of an under-appreciated gem. So yea I bought it like 3 weeks ago while the steam christmas sales were still on. I have no plans to record it, but I'll more than likely play it in my off time whenever I feel like grinding for a few hours to beat some random demons ass.

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