Saturday, February 9, 2013

Finally more Minecraft recorded, also Borderlands 1+2 update

So yea I finally got around to recording more of my Return to Minecraft Solo series. I've been kind of neglecting it recently to try and push out more Borderlands videos so I can wrap up that project and focus more on Skyrim. The Skyrim Dragonborn dlc did come out on Steam this week and I'm still unsure if I'll be doing it anytime soon. Chances are I'll just wait until it drops in price or goes on sale because $20 for a dlc is pretty damn expensive. To be fair though this one does add a lot more content than the Dawnguard dlc with a whole new island to explore back in the land of Morrowind (where pretty much all the dlc will take place), and unlike dawnguard the dragonborn dlc actually has a lot of side quests and whole new towns and caves to explore. Basically it feels like a whole expansion of the actual game instead of feeling like some kind of a tacked on dlc, so I'm definitely a lot more willing to bother buying it than I was with the sub-par Dawnguard dlc (because I'm not paying $20 just for the ability to transform into a vampire and to get another area similar to Blackreach for me to waste a few hours in). So yea, Dragonborn may happen at some point in the future.

Moving on to other topics, I recorded 3 hours of Borderlands 2 last Sunday. I still haven't rendered it because I haven't found the time to do so, but assuming I get my shit together 20-30 minute parts of it should be going up starting on Monday. I will be doing long parts for Borderlands 2 simply because I'll likely be doing longer recording sessions of it and rendering it as quickly as possible helps to ensure there will be no random errors with Movie Maker (which seem to only occur when I have more than 10 video files and have been rendering for longer than 2-3 hours). For those wondering how far we got, we completed every side quest up to the main mission where we have to rescue Roland from the Firehawk (and I mean all side quests available). So yea we made decent progress and are probably about 15-20% through the game (assuming the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve main mission is roughly the halfway mark of the game if you do all side quests up to it).

Now for Borderlands, I'm probably 2 recording sessions from officially finishing the game as far as I'm concerned. I still have to do everything in Old Haven and the Salt Flats, and then the 3 or so hour long main mission chain that comes after the events in the Salt Flats, leading to the boss of the game. So yea I probably have about 4-5 hours of gameplay left unless I really rush those side quests (which is really risky to do because Old Haven is a bitch and a half to get through without eliminating all the Crimson Raiders you encounter along the way). I do have a strategy for dealing with Old Haven, but it's still gonna take me at least 30-45 minutes just to go full circle around the area completing all quest objectives along the way with as little backtracking as possible.

Outside of that though, I've been kinda busy lately with a new semester and have been kind of getting distracted from updating my blog every few days, but once I clear up Borderlands I should have much more free time for myself. I'm hoping to have it taken care of by the end of this week if all goes well, because I've got a week off of University next week that I'll be spending with family. As far as recording time goes for that week, it could end up being more than I normally get just because if I wake up early enough I should have at least 4-6 hours a day from Tues-Thurs to record anything I want. I'll probably use that time to try and make significant progress in Skyrim or to start a new series on my channel, we'll see what happens.

I'd still love to record Link's Awakening if possible because despite being more puzzle/fetchquest heavy than other Zelda games it has some pretty sweet music, solid controls, and to my knowledge is one of the few Zelda games with an actual jump ability (asides from running at edges and having it jump automatically). Also the end of the game hurt my feels, with all the sad music and plot twists and all that. To put it one way, the ending of that game is like waking up from a good dream before it ends, and you're kinda pissed because you didn't get to the best part and you're like "But it was so damn good!", and then you kinda forget it but then you go back to the game later and you have the exact same reaction as you did back then because it is so damn good. I can honestly see why it's ChimneySwift's favorite Zelda game. I had that game when I was 6 years old and never beat it until I looked up a walkthrough for it on the internet when I was 12 because I couldn't figure out how to get to the third dungeon. It's really not that hard, I usually just don't pay attention to text or something and I'll miss something completely obvious, which was kind of exactly the case in this game. I wasn't really a dumb kid though because I'd basically figured out how to beat Chrono Trigger by age 6 (granted I couldn't beat Queen Zeal's second form on the Black Omen and beat the game through that route until age 11 when I played through the PS1 version). Honestly I'm still not sure how I managed to get to Lavos on my own at age 6 and somehow beat him but I definitely did it.

Really the only childhood game I can remember not being able to beat as of today is Final Fantasy 2 (granted I've gotten much further than I ever did as a kid but to this day I've never survived past floor 1 of the final dungeon because of death riders being completely broken douchebag enemies). There's also the Digimon game for the PS1, but even as a kid I could tell that's mostly because the game is just shittily designed as far as leveling up goes. I think I still have that game too so maybe I'll do that just to complain about how shitty it was. Actually I just remembered I used to have a cd for one of my family's older computers that had a bunch of Sega games on it (Including Sonic Spinball and one of the golden axe games), and it had one of the phantasy star games. I can't remember which one it was but I never got a chance to finish that game because my uncle borrowed it to play and never returned it so I never got more than 5-10 hours into it. I remember enjoying it though so if possible I'd love to get my hands on that game just to finally finish it. I also conveniently remember little about the plot (probably because I just never paid attention to it back then), I just remember some kind of a factory area with a bunch of monsters that kicked my ass a lot until I grinded up enough to finally just barely survive going through it and then I got to some town that sold me some kind of a knife boot or something, which gave me a much needed damage boost. That's basically all I remember about the game.

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