Thursday, January 17, 2013

random update on stuffs

Yea it's been a while, haven't really been using my blog as much as I should be. Part of that is because I had no internet for 15 hours last Friday and I'm still playing catch up with youtube videos (I still have over 15 in my watch later playlist despite doing nothing but watch youtube videos and go to school for the last 2-3 days). But yea I'm honestly getting to the point where I kinda need to play something before I go a bit stir crazy from doing nothing but watch videos, so I'm probably finally gonna finish my Borderlands 2 playthrough either tonight or tomorrow. Whenever I do get around to recording the game I'm still unsure of my class selection, but I may go with the assassin class just because I'm enjoying it so far. Then again I do feel compelled to try one of the other 3 classes, so I may just go with the gunzerker, commando, or siren. I've heard the siren in Borderlands 2 is just as powerful, if not more powerful than the one in the original game so I'm sure I'll have fun using her abilities to basically freeze an enemy in a stasis-like mode for a few seconds.

I still have no plans for co-op with that game, mostly because it'd be a pain to schedule that because of my limited recording time, shitty phone company internet, and the possibility of random interruptions if I do record outside of my guaranteed interruption free recording times. So yea there's my main problem. I mean I could still record in that interruption prone period but I still wouldn't be able to do night recordings so the possibility of me recording with anyone on the west coast is basically not there, especially due to how hard it is to find an afternoon time that wouldn't screw with their lunch or my supper schedule. So yea I'd have to record with someone that's within an hour of my time zone (GMT -5hrs), and I honestly don't know of anyone who'd fit into that zone asides from possibly my brother, or maybe my first sub but I don't think he has the game, nor do I think he can afford it because the guy basically has a less than legal copy of Minecraft (which at the time was still in Beta and wasn't that expensive to be honest). So yea if he can't afford Minecraft I honestly can't expect him to buy a game that's around twice as expensive, which is why I haven't done anything with him since that stupid little thing I did with the ending of the original Minecraft Solo (which was poorly planned and should not be watched by anyone who saw the first 99 episodes of that series).

So yea basically unless a co-op partner magically appears I'm kinda shit out of luck for one. Stupidly enough I do have Vivek on my friends list on steam (because being an SSoH fan and a fan of his Killing Floor stuff I stupidly friend requested Vivek because he usually session joins SSoH whenever he does play Killing Floor and I wanted to play with Seamus even if it was only once). For some reason he added me, and to this day have never actually talked to him at all. Maybe I should talk to him sometime, but honestly I'm kinda nervous about it for no real reason because for some stupid reason I'm kind of socially awkward. I'll probably get over it eventually, I mean I'm sure he's a nice guy and all. But yea my social awkwardness kind of kills my ability to get to know people and honestly that kinda sucks because waiting for people to approach me so far hasn't really worked out, asides from Peanut but he's 14 and just wanted to be in a few youtube videos, so outside of that I don't really do much with him.

All that completely irrelevant stuff aside, I suppose I should mention that for the few of you who care at all about manga related stuff that I used to do more frequently when I first made this blog that I might do more of that in the future. I have read probably over 15 series since the last time I posted about manga at all (which by now was almost a year and a half ago), so yea. I should also update that list of manga I've read while I'm thinking of it, which I posted a long ass time ago (check the archives for 2011-early 2012, it's somewhere around there). But yea for those who care I started reading the original Pokemon manga because I had nothing better to do, and honestly it's way better than the TV show, partly because it's written to go more along with the story of the games. Actually if anything it's a re-imagining of the games, and kind of completely ignores the animated series, which honestly kind of makes it that much more awesome because it's completely new to me but still has that old school Pokemon feel to it. I'm only on the 8th volume out of well over 45+ and it's still ongoing, so I've only read the volumes that were based on the classic Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow games so far, and I'm just moving on to Silver, Gold, and Crystal.

But yea if you're interested in it you can find it on, the community there is pretty cool about stuff as long as you don't ask stupid questions, and has both a disqus comment board system and a chatroom with voice chat enabled so feel free to just chill there and have a blast. They don't just talk about manga and anime, they actually do have social lives and stuff and they're usually a pretty chill community/group so if you're interested in manga I'd definitely check them out. They don't carry every series, but they carry a good chunk of the good ones so chances are they'll have a few more obscure series that are pretty great.

For those of you who only care about youtube stuff, I'll be rendering Skyrim tomorrow and uploading 2 more parts of it. I can't remember exactly what I recorded last time for the series, actually I do now and it's a bunch of quests in the southeastern corner of the map around the Riften area, so if you like the Riften area I'd be sure to check out those videos because you'll be seeing a lot of that area of the map. I kinda want to go on another random exploration episode soon to map out more stuff so I may do that next time I record, and it'll probably also be in that same general area of the map, so I hope you guys enjoy that.

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