Saturday, March 2, 2013

Solving my Skyrim inventory management problem

Yea I spent the better part of about 3 hours playing around with my inventory in Skyrim, from making a new set of dragon scale armor with two enchantments per item to finishing off my set of Daedric armor for whenever I decide to try out my heavy armor two handed build. I might also get a set of dragon plate armor just for the hell of it but I'll save that for later. The main thing I did to lighten my load though was going through all of my potions and ingredients and turning most of those ingredients into potions and selling the potions for a pretty decent profit. That being said, there's a really really obvious exploit in the whole shopping system that you can use to grind speechcraft levels when you have as many potions as I did. Because there is no real buyback system in Skyrim anything you sell you need to buy back at about 2-4 times the price you sold it for in the first place (depending on how many points you put into speechcraft). So basically I ended up creating like 20-40 of the same potion multiple times to use up ingredients so when the shopkeepers ran out of money I literally just bought back about a quarter of what I sold and was good to go for a bit more. So yea, no need to shop hop ever again when selling potions. I mean it's not like I really need the actual cash value of what I sold (which would have been well over 20k gold in potions mind you), seeing as I currently already have a nice 27k gold. Besides all the shop hopping required would mean I'd still probably be selling potions right now instead of updating my blog because of how long it takes to fast travel from city to city until the 2 days pass and shopkeepers have their available gold reset and inventories refreshed just to repeat the cycle another 10 or so times.

If you're interested in knowing my current carry weight after all that inventory tweaking, I'm now sitting at around 358 carry weight out of 527 (because I put fortify carry weight enchantments on my new set of dragonscale armor as well as better buffs in general for where I'm at now in the game). Going through those ingredients literally took well over 80 pounds of carry weight off me, and I did some quick math and it turns out only about 100-110 pounds of my current carry weight is from my weapons and armor, so I'm carrying about 240 pounds of potions, ingredients, and miscellaneous gems on me even after all of that inventory tweaking. Also I now removed those dragon claws from my inventory, because it appears that I could remove them upon completing the Gauldur Amulet questline. I still have Habd's half digested skull on me though because apparently the game thinks I still haven't completed that quest. So that's 4 pounds of dead weight right there (literally).

Poor jokes aside, I did a really random spontaneous recording earlier today of Final Fantasy to test out one of the recording methods I recently discovered I had at my disposal. While it does allow me to do a face cam when I record, it appears that it only records in the glorious quality of 240p, which is absolute shit. In addition it sucks at picking up my pc's audio, which I didn't realize until I began editing. So yea the video and audio quality is complete and utter shit but my commentary for this is probably among my best ones (at least that's how I feel because I'm getting back to a Final Fantasy game). Honestly I don't think I've had this much fun recording something since probably Final Fantasy 4 back in the earlier parts. Granted those parts were complete shit for commentary quality due to my mic levels not being the greatest and just starting out and whatnot. But yea I'm gonna upload it anyways despite these problems. I do have one alternative method that I'm gonna try out first though before uploading it just to confirm that I can continue this series in better quality because I am not gonna run a series at 240p with low game audio just because I'm enjoying myself. The method I'm probably gonna use involves using a capture device to record the PS1 version of the exact same game and then comparing the quality of the two. The only issue I might have is dealing with choppy video on my end due to my pc not being good enough to record using the recording program that this capture device comes with. I did a test of Legend of Dragoon about 6 months ago with this device and the sound and video was a bit choppy on my end but was fine in the actual file, so I'm gonna have to find a work around for that.

So yea just to be clear, if it goes up it's going up later on Saturday after I test run my alternate method. If it doesn't go up by Sunday then that's because my alternate method didn't work out (I'm actually gonna record episode 2 with my alternate method to make sure it's all good first). I might also just re-record the whole session using my alternate method if it does all work out, depending on how I feel. If I do go through with this series it's gonna be done probably in a style more similar to my Minecraft series as far as episode lengths go. In other words rather than doing 1-2 hour long sessions it'll be 30-50 minute sessions at the most with the main goal of just chunking the game into 30 or so minute parts that cover each area of the game rather than chunking the areas of the game into 2-3 videos. The problem with this method is it relies on me knowing what I'm doing in the game (and I haven't played the original Final Fantasy since I was 12 so my memory is a bit sketchy to say the least). Either way Final Fantasy is at best a 10-12 hour long game if done normally (and not speed running it), so it'll probably take about two months to finish at my usual pace (A Link to the Past was about 7-8 hours for a full completion run and it only took me just over a month but I knew what I was doing in that game).

And yes, I will do Final Fantasy 2 after I finish this one. Probably won't do FF3 though unless I get a DS emulator or learn to read Japanese for the famicon version. As for FF7, I own it and 8 and 9 but haven't played them to completion yet. I got about an hour and a half into FF7 and just didn't really get that into it. and haven't played it since. I guess that's partly because people place it on a pedestal as if it's the greatest thing ever, much like I place Chrono Trigger on a pedestal for being probably the best rpg of its generation (I will say though that after playing Final Fantasy 6 it's a lot less clear for me as to which game is better because they're both so great). I could get into more details about it but honestly it's almost 4am now and I've spent a good 40 minutes typing so I'm not gonna start this whole debate process in my head at this hour. Both were great games, they both did some things better than the other and brought in some new innovations to the genre, and in the end you really can't go wrong with either one. Anyone who's played both knows exactly what I'm talking about here.

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