Saturday, July 20, 2013

about the lack of stuff

Honestly I just haven't felt like recording anything lately and that's pretty much all on me to actually use my time wisely and record stuff but the whole issue is that I'd need to spend the 2-4 hours after recording something for rendering and editing what I record and I just haven't felt like doing that in a while so I just haven't recorded. Part of this is because I finally bought Cube World earlier this week and honestly the game is so fun that my watch later playlist has once again been slowly filling up much like it was when I was playing the Pixelmon mod. It hasn't hit 80-90 vids yet like it did with Pixelmon but it was at around 45 yesterday night before I dedicated 5 hours to watching youtube videos just to get it back under 20. Honestly I might have to just stop watching a lot of youtube videos if I'm gonna make time for recording because at this point I literally have no time to do anything else in between this stuff. I suppose I could attempt to cut back on playing games as well but honestly when I'm not playing games I'm watching videos for the most part, and if I'm not doing either I'm usually sleeping, eating, or outside doing stuff. I really have to get back on a recording schedule if I'm gonna have any chance of coming close to finishing what I want to finish this summer. That list still includes beating Phantasy Star 2-4 and FF8 on my own time, as well as rebooting Skyrim and possibly beginning a new series.

I do still have the 3 hours of Pixelmon I recorded 2 weeks ago to render but honestly I've just had so many doubts about how the series is gonna be perceived so I've been too worried about stupid shit to even begin editing and rendering it. I haven't even checked the footage yet to see if my audio is alright. The other thing is that I'm tired of searching for the 3 legendary birds for hours at a time and coming up empty and so I haven't played with the mod for over a week at this point and am instead gonna wait for the mod to update with new stuff so that I have something else to do in the mod.

But yea it's kind of weird to think about it but summer is already almost half over, and I've only really done two things so far and that's starting FF7 and beating Legend of Dragoon. I'd include beating Phantasy Star and finishing Link's Awakening but those were finished before Summer began. At the end of the day it's gonna come down to me having to sit down and just do what I want to get done instead of doing what I am doing now. I guess in a way Youtube is my unofficial job now since I did finally decide to monetize but I definitely don't have the sub base or views to be sustained off that alone and so I'm more than likely gonna be getting a "real" job alongside this just to keep enough money coming in to support my lifestyle. Honestly at the end of the day that's all I really want to do is be able to sustain my current lifestyle for at least another 15-20 years and at this point I've gotta start to take action so that I don't end up on the street (or in my parent's basement) in two years.

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