Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Uncertain Future

Well as of writing this post I have no idea if I'll be able to continue doing youtube stuff while I'm off to school and so the channel may kind of go dead for a while. There's really nothing I can do about this because it literally comes down to me just not having a good enough environment to record in. As you probably know by now I hate having to record when other people are around because there's just so much that can interrupt my recordings and then it's annoying having to cut stuff out and whatnot. Not to mention with a game like Dark Souls where you can't just pause it interruptions can impact gameplay and so because of that I'd rather not record in those situations. Since for the foreseeable future I'll be in this kind of non recording friendly environment it's probably best to not attempt to record anything. This means that once Wind Waker and Dark Souls 2 finish going up there will literally be nothing on my channel for a while.

For a while now I've also contemplated using Twitch as an alternative to youtube, however as most of you probably know my upload speed is shit. After a few tests it seems my upload speed won't be good enough for even 240p video streaming on twitch, and there's really not much I can do about that because the internet plans here are all shit since all of them have roughly the same upload speed as what I currently use (except for the super expensive top of the line one which gives 30x more download than I could ever use in a day but only 10 times the upload). If it was possible to just get a plan with even double the upload speed I would but that option doesn't exist for me right now. Currently I'm getting around 50-70kb/s upload which is pretty shit, and around 750kb/s download, which is enough for me because I don't really download a lot of stuff. The best plan in my area gives like 50mb/s upload but that only comes with the plan that gives 250mb download, which is way more than I could ever need (Not to mention the fact that it'd be over $250 a month).  One solution I could use would be to illegally loiter around the local university to gain access to their godlike internet upload speeds (which allow me to upload hour long videos in only 5 minutes), but that involves illegally loitering on their campus every time I want to upload something. Not to mention that wouldn't work for twitch cause I'd have to stream from there and good luck finding a quiet room or hallway to stream from when you're busy trying to get away with loitering on a campus when you're no longer a student there.

In any case I'll try to figure something out but as of right now the future of the channel is looking dim at best (granted it never really was bright to begin with, it's always been a somewhat dim light hoping to one day shine bright enough to catch someone's attention). I'll still be around either way so as usual you can feel free to add me on steam or whatever. Just cause I'm not recording doesn't mean I've stopped playing games.  I'd probably go insane if I ever stopped gaming completely. I can barely get through a single day without touching some kind of console or loading up some kind of game on my pc (even if it's minesweeper or solitaire). Anyways here's hoping that whatever hiatus is coming is a short one.

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