Monday, November 5, 2018

So what's with the multitude of different handles?

Honestly the earliest name anyone ever would have known me by is probably Regal, as it is the first real username I ever used for anything online. Sure it's just one of the many Regal's I created when I first picked up RuneScape back in '05 but as it turns out it's probably become the most well known handle I go by despite RS3 being laughably underpopulated compared to say a Youtube or even some random now dead/dying manga site. What's the significance of Regal? Well at the time I just happened to be playing through Tales of Symphonia and I think I'd just had the character by the same name join my party, and then my brother was like "dude check out this free MMO" and I needed a quick username so that's literally just what I went with off the top of my head.

Well, now for the dumbest of my names. So I was getting into anime for realsies in my teens and back then G4 still aired anime and at the time they were running both Trigun and GunXSword and my tiny baby brain was like "yo they both have gun let's just combine them into one word and that'll be a great username for this other online game". That game was Tribal Wars and its probably to this day the only game I actually regret ever playing because it actively destroyed my sleep schedule for nothing. So why did I keep the name? Well outside of 16 year old me thinking it was a great name, it's also the first time I ever really interacted with strangers online through gaming. I don't even know if the game still exists but I have less than no interest in ever touching it again cause it was just a faction based RTS where everything happened on a 1+ hour timescale and because of that you'd literally need to schedule your life around in game obligations to keep up with the no lifers and me actually joining and interacting with that community made it so much harder to just quit so I ended up sticking with it for a month past the point where I should have left. It was hell and it actually sapped the fun from my life for a few months before I finally broke down and abandoned it completely, cutting contact with everyone involved. At this time I'd already used the name as my Steam ID as well as email so for branding purposes I decided to use it for my let's plays so it'd be easier for people to find and contact me.

Why isn't my youtube channel under this name? Well funny story, I did have the name on youtube but I literally forgot the password and the recovery email no longer existed for it cause I had multiple email addresses at the time with the same name and live went extinct and I never used that one so it was just deleted by microsoft. That's actually fucked me over cause I had my ps3 login on that email too so I lost all my ps3 achievements when PSN got hacked because I couldn't get the password reset emails. So thanks Microsoft for dicking me over, and I didn't even need an xbone to get xboned. Getting back on topic, Failface21 is literally just a stupid inside joke with myself (the saddest kind of inside joke). Some of my youtube channel vets or the 0 people who read this blog will recall I had jaw surgery back in I think Summer 2012. Failface was more a reference to me knowing back then that I'd need the surgery eventually, on top of the fact that I wasn't much of a looker and you know being single and alone is kind of a hit to self esteem at first but I'm well beyond that point so the name's kind of embarrassing which is why when Youtube did Google+ and let you rename stuff I took that opportunity to relabel my channel.

Opti is short for Optinonymous Prime, and its the handle I used on the Disqus boards for Spectrum Nexus back when it still hosted manga. I wanna say this was my most well known handle for the longest time, many people who knew me only knew me from there but Discord has changed a lot and made it much easier for groups of like minded people to chill together in real time in a text/voice chatroom. The name origin for this one is similarly stupid to the last few, I'd been stalking the boards at SN for a while and wanted to make a few comments and answer questions and just be a presence there since I was using the site so actively. So for my name I just went through the existing usernames who had posted recently and I saw someone with an Optimus Prime profile picture and I for some ungodly reason merged Optimus with Anonymous and got Optinonymous and it's the dumbest but it's great. I barely even watched Transformers growing up (and sure as hell haven't seen the Michael Bay movies) so there's no real attachment to the name other than me wanting anonymity but with a recognizable personal touch to it. It worked out for what I wanted and despite how much of a mouthful the name is you gotta admit it shortens nicely and I feel its a real memorable one.

Do I use other handles? Yes actually, only one though and it's Trigan and that's really just a piss poor decision on my part because Triggy is such a better name but I think it was taken or something. But yeah that's my FA account handle, don't go there there's literally nothing of value I just have it for access to account restricted content mostly because I lack the confidence and skills to actually contribute to a community that I don't really feel I'm a part of. Shit's complicated, and even I can't really wrap my head around my own weirdness sometimes (see previous post).

Well that should do it, hope that kinda sheds some light on the weird names.

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